Rain in Talk Story

  • Nov. 19, 2014, 10:42 p.m.
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The rain has arrived… started early this morning… at first it was just enough to where I had to turn the windshield wipers on…

I had driven into town for an early lunch… was thinking about running errands… but by then the rain was coming down quite hard…

I drove over to the beach… the ocean is quite turbulent… big waves crashing onto the rocks… couldn’t get out of the car without getting soaked…

Decided to head back to the house…

Started doing laundry (the exciting life of a single guy)…

Although it is raining… the temperature was 60f outside at 6am when I got up…

I have written before… that during the summer… Brookings is often the coolest part of Oregon… and during the winter it is often the warmest… as was the case today…

Glad I’ve got a good book to read this afternoon… and I hope that where ever you are… you are staying warm… and dry…

Aloha oe…

Swirly Girl November 19, 2014

I'm waiting for the snow to come like anytime now

TruNorth November 20, 2014

We are in the midst of a blizzard.

dream seeker November 23, 2014

The rain is coming in tonight. It's supposed to be rough. I hope you have some beautiful beach walking weather this weekend!

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