Busy bee! in Hello.

  • Nov. 25, 2014, 1:13 p.m.
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I’m so busy with knitting orders right now. I’m in the process of making a couple of hat and scarf sets, trying to perfect my own design and write out the pattern for my mam to test before it goes on sale, then someone wants me to knit a pair of slippers as well. I had so many ideas I wanted to put on a craft stall for Christmas, but I’m not going to be able to do any of it!
This is my own design. It was really popular on the knitting groups I posted it to, with many requests for the pattern. So I’m going to get my mam to proof read it, try it out, then I’ll put it on Ravelry and Etsy to sell. I’m in the process of knitting my third one, they’re all different colours, with a view to selling the finished article as well.
 photo IMG_61766042327787_zps0dfaaa5b.jpeg
Yesterday John and I went out for lunch. He only gets Mondays off and we usually go for lunch, but Rob normally comes with us. Yesterday he said he didn’t want to, so we got to spend a bit of time together, kid free. We did the normal, boring grown up things, going round the charity shops and looking in estate agents windows. For the first time in our lives, when I start working we might be in the position to actually buy a property. We were also talking about me getting driving lessons and John offered to pay for them. I was hoping to find a job before the new year and pay for them myself, so I’m pleased I didn’t need to ask John for the money. Me driving will ultimately benefit all of us I guess. I need to see now about renewing my provisional licence and I’ll start looking for a teacher.

Well it looks like my provisional licence had expired, so I’ve applied for a new one. Just in time too, because if you do it online, they access your passport details for your photo and signature....my passport expires in February! So fingers crossed I’ll have sorted out my driving lessons to start in January. For the first time, I’m actually excited about getting behind the wheel.

I forgot to mention, I’m going to see the Foo Fighters in May! I was a bit upset that the Kickstarter gig wasn’t going ahead, so on Wednesday morning I was on the pre sale site at 9am. Took me 40 minutes, but I managed to get myself a ticket in the end. John said he’ll buy it for my birthday, which is this Sunday. :) I’m going down to Manchester on my own, but I’ll be meeting up with a few folk from the Foo Fighters group I’m a part of on Facebook. I’m hoping it will actually go ahead, I haven’t had much luck with gigs recently, with Amanda Palmer and Alt Fest getting cancelled and not being able to get time off work to go to Download or to see Mark Lanegan.

Last updated November 25, 2014

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