Who Am I To Say? in meh...

  • Nov. 26, 2014, 3:01 a.m.
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Who am I to say who shouldn’t be afraid? When I say things, they are based on observations, they are based on things experienced and my opinion.

In the case of the things happening in my city, I get frustrated when people see only one part, one side of things and think the entire city is up in flames.

At work I have to deal with attitudes of the public whose little white world has been shaken with some real shit and now they are afraid to leave the house. Anyone living west of Clayton or south of St. Louis Hills has no reason to be afraid. Any riots or looting that have happened occured in isolated spots. Even the place near my job was not close enough to cause much concern. But again, who am I to say someone shouldn’t be fearful.

There’s rioting right now. I saw National Guardsmen posted up near a fire station on my way to work this morning. I thought how stupid. My neighborhood is quiet. Only problem I’m having is the water problem. Can’t flush the toilet, wash dishes, or cook until it’s bedtime. Water main breaks suck especially when there’s a huge hole in the street and they shut off the water.

Anyway, that was off track. I just get sick of people needlessly causing themselves undue stress because of what some folks are doing over there. I have some unpopular opinions on those tearing up their neighborhoods, but in this moment, I will digress.

Rest well beloved.
Sincerely yours,

Last updated November 26, 2014

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