Blunt Instrument Cycle. in Exerbabble III
- Nov. 20, 2014, 3:21 a.m.
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Day A: Press/Chins
Press 3x3
Weighted Chins 3x3
DB Lateral Raise 3x8
Cable Lateral Raise 3x12
French Press 3x8
Straight-arm Pulldown 3x8
BB Curl 3x12
Standing DB Shoulder Press 3x8
Wide-grip Lat Pull 3x8
Day B: Squat
Squat 3x3
RDL 3x12
Leg Extension 3x12
Front Squat 3x8
Plank 3x
One-Leg Bridge 3x
Day C: Bench/Row
BB Bench Press 3x3
DB Row 3x3
Close-Grip 3x8
Flies 3x12
Pressdown 3x12
Reverse Fly 3x12
DB Curl 3x12
DB Bench Press 3x8
Cable Row 3x8
Day D: Squat/Speed Deads
Deadlift 3x3
Barbell Bridge 3x12
Leg Curl 3x12
Deadlift 3x8
Plank 3x
One-Leg Bridge 3x
A two cycle refresher, then return to primary cycle with slightly backcycled weights. I know me. I get bored. Or burned out. Plan this shit in advance.
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