Young and Healthy and Full of Energy in Everyday Ramblings
- Nov. 15, 2014, 5:17 p.m.
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I have been taking pictures all day with my phone, my iPad and my camera and they are all blurry. The guys are pretty much always in motion. This is Carlo. He is smaller and beautifully proportioned and the most explorative and social of the two. His hair is fine and a lighter gray and of medium length. He was in my lap within an hour of coming to his new home. (Much to Kes’s delight, he was in hers too.)
This is Diego. He is a play monster! He is shy, and likes to be the one to initiate physical contact. He does have a left eye but it doesn’t work so they are going to sew it completely shut next week. He also has a short tail and a crook in the tail he does have. He is all dark gray with a rich healthy pelt and is a bit chunkier than elegant Carlo.
I kept them confined to the bedroom with the closet door closed until it got light this morning. They have home base under the bed, which is going to present a bit of a challenge getting Diego in the carrier on his own on Wednesday but I keep telling myself I am resourceful.
He came up on the bed and schmoozed me early this morning and licked my face. He is much more interested in play then in love.
Diego is very interested in the outside too. I have windows at ground level with big sills as you can see, perfect for watching sparrows, squirrels, and other cats.
When Carlo saw the bird feeders he was entranced, rooted to his perch on the windowsill looking directly out at the feeders.
I am completely exhausted! With all the anticipation and fretting with the stress at work and our intense and unusual weather I have been pretty useless today. I was scheduled to go to a free seminar on Melanoma this morning put on by the researchers at the institution for which I work. But it was well below freezing and yesterday when I walked up the hill the path was icy and I actively had to employ my trek poles.
It was scary. I took a bus down, the driver was going to the garage but took pity on me and dropped me just on the other side of the track.
We asked the young woman that finalized the adoption yesterday when the kids were last treated for fleas and without asking she put this noxious flea treatment on them before putting them in their carriers. That has been the only drawback to the whole experience. Having that disperse.
We will all have a good life together. It is a huge commitment and perhaps that in part is why I am so darn fog brained today. It is like getting married.
I did yoga, and went over and walked the track a little while ago as well as putting up some new suet for the birds. I napped all afternoon with Diego.
In addition to the book on Narcissism, I am reading Delicious!, the whimsical novel about food by Ruth Reichl, the former editor of Gourmet until they shut the magazine down. She lives in the same world as the fellow that wrote the fascinating book The Third Plate that I read a few weeks back.
It is a wondrous thing to be able to share my joy and excitement with you and I will keep working on getting decent pictures but at least you get an idea, here in the land of gray cats. There are many shades of gray, you know…
Last updated November 15, 2014
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