Guinea Pigs and PoofBall Hats! in The Past

  • Nov. 18, 2014, 2:45 a.m.
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I had a busy day at work, only to get off early and take 4 guinea pigs to get their nails trimmed, and a new guinea pig to go to the doctors for her first check up.

Yes, we got a 10th guinea pig. This one we couldn’t turn down… One of Mike’s friends had a pair of guineas and he decided he didn’t want them. Bout a month ago, Mike mentioned that he might end up dropping off two guinea pigs with us because the friend was threatening to throw them out in the wild. We told him go ahead and bring them over if he ever gets the chance to. So, last Thursday, he dropped off one guinea. She’s cute… brown and black and white, and is the sweetest little girl there is. Apparently she was kept in a cage with no bedding (just a layer of newspaper), no fresh food, no hay, no toys, no love, and pretty much neglected and abandoned. It’s bad enough her sister died before Mike could get her to us. We took her in, fed her, loved her, and today we took her to the doctors. She’s just shy of 2 pounds in weight, has a stress condition that seems to be getting better, and is shy but seems to be healthy enough. We just need to love her and feed her up and keep an eye on the stress condition. She’s also cross eyed, which adds to her cuteness. Her official name is Tiramisu (Tira for short), but I call her Derpy-Pig when I think about it.

Everyone did good with their nail clipping, even if they didn’t like the ride there or the ride home. But they’re eating now and the sound of happily munching guineas is surrounding me… it’s kind of creepy.

When I got home, I noticed I had a package waiting for me. My hat and earring order from Snarkle came in! Of course i opened them and played with the earrings and put the hat on… not only that, but I made Mom and Court put their hats on too to make sure they fit, and oh my god, they’re so soft. ::swoons:: I literally sat and pat mine for a couple of minutes just because of how soft they were. And Snarkle, I love the angel pin too, it’s amazing and so pretty. I was going to take pictures of Mom and Court in their hats but they’re eating right now and I’m not that mean. So maybe later!

Last updated December 25, 2016

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