Entry 83: To Doctor or Not To Doctor in Much Ado About Nothing

  • March 19, 2025, 11:58 p.m.
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So, waking up today- my right foot is killing me. And I know exactly what and why and how and I need to remember this moving forward because this is the type of After 40 shit that should absolutely change a lifestyle! But the pain is bad enough that I am cancelling all sorts of things that I need to get done. Now, what I’ve read said that this should go away on its own after about a week. The last time this happened, I saw Urgent Care to try to take care of me. They gave me some pills and it went away in about a week. So there’s the primary question. Do I muscle through and wait it out; or do I see a doctor to see if they can make it more bearable in some way? I can actually tell that the pain is increasing my heart rate/blood pressure so that’s… always something.

But I am at work, we’re short staffed, and we have to keep pushing forward. Got my Afternoon Cases prepped, reviewing the VNCO case that I have to take to trial today, seeing if/when I can leave. Because I am going to head to urgent care after work today. The internet says to elevate, rest, and ice the foot - Nala will be pissed. She wanted to play chase last night and when I wouldn’t run, she actually stopped, looked at me and barked! The cheeky blighter. This was even after taking her to the dog park!

BY THE WAY- just a general statement to folks.... if you are being interviewed by the police, don’t start freaking out saying, “HOW CAN YOU NOT BELIEVE ME?!” because when the physical evidence is against you? I mean… first and foremost, understand and appreciate how often people lie in general and then especially when it is a criminal matter. THEN add in scenarios and facts.
Allegation: Individual violated no contact order.
Physical Evidence: Individual was texting despite the no contact order.
Law: This person violated the No Contact Order.
Defendant statement to officers: I texted but he’s a bad man. I was in contact with him but he’s a criminal. You shouldn’t arrest me, you should arrest him.
Officer response: We’re not here on anything but the No Contact Order which you’re admitting to violating.
Defendant screaming: But I shouldn’t be arrested for that! He’s a criminal! HOW CAN YOU NOT BELIEVE ME?
Meanwhile, I promise you the cops are thinking, “If he’s a criminal and you don’t want anything to do with him.... why were you texting him in disregard of a no contact order? Second, you screaming that he’s a criminal when the evidence points to YOU committing a crime that, by statute, requires an arrest doesn’t change any of the information or allegations resulting in your arrest!

It’s only lunch time and I can feel my heart racing and it is hard to focus on anything other than this extreme foot pain! It’s drying me out, too, which is counter to how to take care of it. I should have realized, actually, that this was going to happen because I haven’t been drinking enough water or eating enough roughage… ie- those things that help encourage your waste system to flush out shit from your body. So, the bad shit stays in my body and results in crap like this. I spent my lunch time trying to prepare evidence for tomorrow’s trial. If I get far enough along, maybe I stay home tomorrow morning and only come in for the trial in the afternoon.

My mouth is entirely dry after the hearings. I can feel my tongue like a piece of old paper. The screaming agony from my foot consumes most of the active thoughts. I have two cases I need to get evidence on and two e-mails that I need to send but… that can wait.

It’s snowing. The confirmed gout. After taking my sock off, it was bloody obvious. The redness and swelling of the previous evening has grown significantly. The pain is incredible. I have to wait for 20 minutes before the Pharmacy has my meds. After I get them, I will go home- get an ice pack, give Nala a treat, pour a giant water and grab carrots or tomatoes and post up on the couch. Sincerely praying for relief!!

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