Dreams and Lives in 2020s

  • March 12, 2025, 1:15 p.m.
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I started to say that, despite being curious about most things, I think I’ll take a break from trying to remember any past lives—if I had any. I don’t want to recall anything traumatic when I already have enough traumatic memories in this life. Besides, if I did live before, those lives are over. This is the life I live now.

Although… there are a couple of kind ladies who have been encouraging. I’ve never met them face-to-face, but they seem both intelligent and sane—definitely not the type to make shit up just for kicks. So maybe I’ll forge ahead here and there and see what comes up.

I decided it would save money if I got reusable freezer bags, so I ordered a nice set with a few different sizes.

The only dream I remember was of sleeping on a couch in a large living room during the late afternoon while Tom and someone else—a cousin, maybe—watched a large TV at the other end of the room. At one point, I woke up and mumbled something like, “Please tell me it’s not only 5:00.” Tom confirmed that it was. I got up to pee and then returned, mumbling about how rough life was with the type of sleep disorder I have. But then I added that it was at least soothing and comforting to lie on the couch with my eyes closed, listening to the drone of the TV, knowing they were around. “Uh-huh,” Tom said, but in real life, that would be very hard for me to sleep through.

Later in the same dream, I woke up again. This time, it was dark and the room was empty and quiet. I strolled into the kitchen, which looked similar to this one. When I glanced toward the door, I saw a faint hint of light in front of it. Only, in the dream, the door extended further out, and I was able to peer around the side of the pantry and down a flight of stairs. There, I saw the glow of a TV and knew my sister was down there.

Tom went to bed early since donation days usually leave him tired. So there goes some of my alone time, which I have mixed emotions about since it means he’ll be up at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. But as he said in his email, maybe we can go to the store early before Walmart is delivered. I’d like that—not just to get out, but to grab a few things that are hit or miss from Walmart.
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