Eating Way over the Calories in Healthy Bites
- Nov. 10, 2014, 9:07 a.m.
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I am getting pretty pissed at myself. I am eating way over the allotment of calories especially since I’ve started exercising last week.
I am going to have to do some major cutting or some major fasting. I think I am going to have to give up candy and Starbucks awhile until I have a balance of 100 or 200 calories a day (that includes exercise for that day as well). My goal is to have a deficient of 500 calories a day. That way, I can lose over a pound of week. I know what I can and cannot do. 500 calories is an attainable goal. If I try to set it for a 1,000 calorie deficient I am afraid I will fall of the wagon. I mean that is pretty much two pounds of week I would be losing. That also means that I would have to exercise to burn at least 500 calories a day and eat only 1500 calories a day. I am not saying that it is not doable. But for me, I would have to be very discipline. I believe I could do it, but I feel like I would be miserable and fall off the bandwagon again.
The good news is that I did well on my jog/walk. I could barely run because I was still sore from running/jogging/walking on Thursday. It took me two days to at least get back started again, and I had to be careful. I was going to go to the S. Park and take the dogs, but it got too late. Instead, I did my run and walk around the neighborhood.
Runtastic had these results for me:
Burned: 364 calories
Jog/Walk for: 35 minutes and 17 seconds
Jog/Walk for: 1.82 miles
I am going to have to do some research on the Runstatic app because I am very concerned now. I don’t know how accurate this application is. It is based on GPS…and the distance you are going where you are running where you are position at. I just can’t believe I burned 364 calories with running/jogging. It says that the app is for running, jogging, and walking though. I don’t know if I have it set on the right type of exercise. I need to investigate more.
I try not to, but I get very suspicious when I am shock that I could burn that many calories in that short amount of time. I really want to get a Fitbit or some type of calorie band to record how many calories I burned. I take this counting calories matter very serious. In order to lose weight as majority, if not all know, you have to either eat less calories, burned more calories, or both (best combination is both for me).
I also don’t cut the extra steps and such I do throughout the day. I should just use my Runtastic pedometer for that.
Once I get my small goals accomplished, I will start back doing Jillian Michaels and such. This is why I need some kind of band. I want to know how much I accurately burn in a workout. I want the closet guess that I can possibly get.
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