Frustration! in Hello.

  • Nov. 6, 2014, 12:33 p.m.
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Sometimes I seriously wonder about my sanity.
I’m the kind of person that doesn’t like to just blindly think what I’m “supposed” to think. It really actually frustrates me that some people live their whole lives this way. It makes me confrontational and sometimes I actually feel a bit panicky about it. You know the kind of person, everything they don’t like or can’t control is “ridiculous”. But if I ask them “how do you mean?” they can never answer. “Society has told me this is bad, so I must also think this is bad.” Yesterday I went through to Next Town on the bus. A lady behind me only had a ten pound note and felt the need to tell me this fact. “Last time I got on this bus, the bus driver was really horrible to me and wouldn’t give me change…instead he gave me a voucher to get my change later…” “Oh that happens a lot, especially first thing. I’ve had it happen to me, you just collect your change when you get off.” “What, they KEEP my money until I’m getting off? It’s MY money though!” “Yeah, but there is a sign saying you should give the driver the correct change. In cities, they sometimes don’t give you change at all!” “But…but…that’s my money! That’s ridiculous, isn’t it?” “No, not really…”
Luckily we got on the bus at this point and I didn’t have to speak to her again.
Facebook is awful for this. People like to start fights over the most stupid of things! On a forum the other day, a lady asked who liked knitting hedgehogs. It started off great, yes I love it! No I hate it…then someone gave the old “for crying out loud, people can knit what they like! Stop judging!” Then other people started agreeing with her and a bit of a fight kicked off. It was crackers!
I’ve got good at internet debates. I’ve mastered the art of saying exactly what I think without being offensive and if anyone finds it offensive, I make them look confrontational. A picture of a naked man on the knitting circle drew a lot of admiring noises. Nice as he looked, I didn’t think it was appropriate and said as much, stating that there were men and gay women in the group who would probably feel uncomfortable about it. Some woman said I was a prude and itching to start a fight with someone. I said something like “no I’m not, I’m just saying what I think. What’s the point in fighting on the web? No one wins!” which resulted in her blocking me.
This evening, the whole story with Jasper the Border collie was vexing me. A whole mountain rescue team and a helicopter were scrambled at 2 am when the dog was found. The dog was stretchered down part way, then it walked down the rest of the way. The owner was so happy, he’d set up a Just Giving page.
Hooray! That’s wonderful!
But I was curious. And I made a status about it. Dogs go missing in the fells all the time. It must be heartbreaking. But I wouldn’t expect a group that is funded by voluntary contributions to go looking for them at 2am in November. The MRT wouldn’t have known the owner was going to set up a Just Giving page. I’m getting they did it for the publicity, that’s fantastic, raising awareness like that.
But then my cousin said something like “what does it matter how much it cost? He’s got his dog back and the MRT have made money off it!” and then somebody else said they agreed with my cousin so I deleted the thread because it had lost what I was trying to say.
This is why I like to surround myself with people who get me, because people who don’t REALLY frustrate me. I don’t even necessarily mean people who agree with me and my thinking, I’m all one for a good healthy debate and other points of view open my eyes sometimes. But I can’t be doing with people who just follow blindly because that’s what they been told to think.
See, this is why I sometimes think I’m going mad! I sometimes feel like I’m the only person who thinks the way I do.

Last updated November 06, 2014

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