Day 34 - A Fresh Batch? in These Foolish Things

  • Feb. 3, 2025, 6:50 a.m.
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Yesterday’s volunteer event with the thrift organization was just …off. First of all, the founder sent me a calendar invitation saying that the event would start an hour later than it normally does. I scratched my head a little bit because it’s always been on the first Sunday of the month, starting at 9am. But then I thought maybe there was something going on and that since she sent this out especially to the small group, it was a legit change.

I was wrong. Everyone was already there and the event had already been happening for an hour! I questioned the time with someone, and they said simply that there was a mix-up and just jump in and get going!

So weirdly, it started on a bit of a frantic foot on my part. For various reasons, it’s always a frantic couple of hours, but yesterday was especially frantic.

I got going, organizing the racks of donated clothing and helping people pick their outfits - again, trying to ignore the urine stench that seems to be ever-present at these events. The organizer brings masks, but I was too busy to grab one, and ugh…it is so annoying to wear masks anymore. I know, next time I’ll probably put one on. We’ll see.

But then I quickly noticed something else. I felt an even more anxious feeling as “customers” came by in a higher state of agitation than I normally see.

Now, there are always a couple of trouble-makers at these events. Someone always gets riled up for one reason or another. Maybe they thought someone took an item they were eyeing; maybe someone cut in line; maybe someone looked at someone else in a threatening way. Whatever. People get exceptionally upset and act out. And sometimes they have to be calmed down by one of their “internal security”. These guys are the ones who are amazing leaders among the unhoused population, and are absolute perfection at de-escalation. I’m always so impressed.

But yesterday it seemed like maybe a new batch of meth or crack or whatever the drug du jour is these days had been released to the general population of the downtown folks. There were some crazed people yesterday!

One woman decided that we needed to get our shop more organized! She was frantically going through the racks, pulling items she didn’t think belonged on those particular racks. And then she rummaged through boxes of accessories, knick-knacks and other items, actually throwing the things she thought were out of place. She was ranting and raving about how certain things should NOT be included in our shop. Like, WTF are these bras?? Nobody wants a used bra (which is not true - many women need them!), and why are these belts mingling with these scarves (well, it was a box full of accessories!). She was throwing things back at us! Asking us WHY, and telling us we were merchandising incorrectly! She was comical.

But then, there was HUGE guy who’d taken his shirt off. A big, tall, handsome, muscular, black man with a stunning physique and a booming voice who decided that he wanted to start talking dirty. He had been in the men’s section, pulling some clothing there. But then he moved over to the women’s area (which is fine - sometimes we show the men how womens layering pieces can be considered unisex just to help them with selections that might keep them warm).

Anyway, he starts talking about fucking women and really getting so nasty that I had to shut my ears - especially after he was talking about violence and things that he does to women.

I had to ask the woman who organizes the events if maybe we could get some help getting the guy out of the area. She’d already asked him before when he was in the men’s section why he had such a “shitty attitude”. She has no problem speaking out to people when they get a little aggressive. But she definitely backs down when their anxiety escalates.

So she told me and everyone else to ignore him as best we could.

Finally, both he and the Organizational Lady left the area. I’m pretty sure it was because we weren’t showing them any attention.

But man, it gets a little hairy out there sometimes. And it seems like I can sense the personalities, the situations, and the nuances better and better the more I do this. Don’t get me wrong, I still love doing this very much. I also know that there are always risks to anything I do with the homeless population.

But the appreciation from these friends makes it so far above and beyond worth it to me. I loooovve joking around with the regulars. I love helping people feel better about themselves. I LOVE it when they appreciate an outfit that I put together for them.

And the thanks we get back is priceless.

I know that there will always be a drug problem and mental health issues and I personally won’t get these people off the streets, but I’m hoping that giving people reasons to better their self-esteem (I got to help a woman who needed an interview outfit) and keep warm in the winter and maybe even have some means to barter (hopefully not for more drugs) or move forward in some way, will move the needle in the tiniest bit!

Okay, Monday is waiting. On with the week!


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