Jail Journals 3 in Tales From Inmate #00JI61500
- Jan. 28, 2025, 6:39 p.m.
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Tuesday April 23rd
19 Days In, 71 Till I’m Out
Last night was harsh. Doc had me in knots about getting robbed, my ass kicked or murdered. As I wrote above (Edit: Last Jail Journal Entry) Bobby says keep doing what I’m doing and I should be fine. I’m super tired again. Slept good but when they wake us for breakfast it interrupts the cycle. That’s why I stay up after morning pill call, so I can sleep at night. Lunch was some knock off Hamburger Helper chili mac. It was a bit spicy…spicey? so I hope I don’t have heartburn later on. I did order some Rol-Aids for this upcoming store day. Guess I’ll go do my exercise routine.
3 something PM, a junkie is at the door again trying to score. Ugh! I’ve not seen him shower since I’ve been here and he has crusty shit in his dreadlocks. Ew! Gross! This is the moron excited to go to M floor so he can get into a fight. Rhodes Scholars in here, I”m telling ya! This is the same dumbass that is here for robbery. He was caught on camera. Cream of the crop for stupidity.
After dinner…Eating dinner at 4:30 in the afternoon sucks. I feel like a senior citizen. It’s painful to see all these fast food commercials. Chick-Fil-A, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Arbys, Church’s Chicken, Subway. All disgustingly delicious artery cloggers I have no access to. Lead me not into temptation for I shall find it myself in advertising. Meat, noodle or rice, corn bread, cake and a cup of water. Bon appetit. Sometimes a side of shitty canned veggies. The gas it gives me is amazing and I defecate soft serve. Good ole private prisons. (Edit: It’s not a prison but a county jail and it’s not privately owned however some major company is involved.) I did the calculations for how much the state pays the corporations to house inmates and if it stays at 1,200 inmates for 365 days $43,800,000. And they say crime doesn’t pay. You just have to be in a corporate setting to make the real money!
Almost 9 PM…finally tried the jail burrito. It’s basically a mush of Ramen, whatever is saved from dinner, chips/crackers/pretzels. It’s decent, nothing to write home about. Needs flavoring. The crazy stuff people do to survive in here. I’m pretty sure we’ll have the dickhead guard tomorrow morning. Oh joy! Wish I was at home chilling with one of the cats. I really miss my babies at night. As I said, night time is the hardest. I’m going to make my goodnight call to mom in a few. I miss my toilet. These here are truly disgusting.
April 24th
20 Days In, 70 Left To Go (Feels like forever)
Lunch was fucking teriible. Awful tasting veggie and meat soup. Three of the idiots climbed the table earlier to turn on the tv so the asshole guard shut the phones off. There is another guy here that will go through all the discarded trays and pile up his with what people leave over. It’s gross and sad at the same time.
1:41 PM and the phones are still off. I feel like I’m back in high school, surrounded by the ghetto minded elite. As I’ve written before, I’ve lost all sympathy for everyone in here. When you have an arrest record as long as my arm you’re a dog damn idiot with poor impulse control. Gee, aren’t I an alcoholic? Yep! And believe you me, I’m never coming back to this hell hole again. Mom is supposed to meet with J today to discuss my situation. Alas, I can’t speak to her about it because of the three morons. At least it’s commissary day.
Almost 6 PM…dinner was decent. Scalloped potatoes with a chunk of meat, corn bread, cake and awful green beans. Phones are still off and the three idiots are playing dominos. Lets see if they piss off the guard again if the won’t rack up and shift change. Rumor now is we’ll be stuck here another month to to p floor being full. Goody goody gumdrops! I hate this fucking place.
9 PM something…they finally turned the phones one.
Got my store order, everything is good now.
Thursday April 24th
3 weeks in, 9 weeks to go
I don’t feel good today. I think I’m getting a cold. My throat hurts and I’m coughing some. This is not the place to get sick. One guy is leaving today and lazy fat fuck is tomorrow. That guy would benefit society more if he just died.
(Edit: After a lot of soul searching since getting out I no longer feel this way about anyone. I am not a judge, a jury nor an executioner. I am just another person on this planet trying to get by.)
The taxpayers are footing the bill for his entire life now. Supposedly we’re getting moved tomorrow, too. I hope I get in the honor dorm. I do not want to go p floor.
After 7:30, I don’t really have much to say today other than I don’t feel good.
Last updated January 29, 2025
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