Super Bowl Sunday in Life
- Feb. 9, 2025, 3:11 p.m.
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Jan 20, 2025
Inauguration Day and MLK day. A better writer than I could write 10 thousand words on that subject alone, but I can only come up with its weird.
I spent the day doing a bit of decluttering the house, and a bit of genealogy. The most interesting part of the genealogy was running across an article on where one of my relatives was getting ready to evacuate his school that was within 5 miles of the 3 Mile Island partial meltdown of their nuclear plant. Of course, I had heard of 3-mile island but I was so far away from there that I never realized some families evacuated their homes for a few weeks. The article caught a moment in time when the people were leaving the school not knowing if they would ever be able to come home.
February 5, 2025
I went to the eye Dr on Monday. After looking at the pictures they had taken of the back of my eye he said I had a macular hole, and to fix it I need a vitrectomy which will require me to be face down for 90% of the time for a week. Im wondering if I will be able to take care of myself or if I need to have someone stay with me. The good news is i might be able to see better once the procedure is done.
I have been home from Utah a week now. It seems like a dream I was even there. It was a wakeup call as far as any desire to live there. Especially living with Mom, Ron, and Jill. Ron should have never moved home after Jill lost her job. It’s not mentally healthy for grown people to live with their parents. Ron doesn’t think he can afford it but both he and Jill get disability so I think they could afford an apartment. Ron could go check on Mom once a day or vice versa depending. Ron has already shut me out of the picture. His plan after mom dies is to have our homeless kind of cousin move in to mow the lawn and everything else that requires two working legs. It was good to see them. My doggie niece, Sugar, was my biggest fan. She was on my lap constantly.
The critter sitter did an awesome job. Came home to a house that didn’t smell like a dirty cat box, and the cats were less freaked out than previously. Gracie normally feels safest under the shed, where she was born, but it must have been too cold for her to go outside. When I got home, I checked under the bed and both her and Sadie were hanging out under there. I was less worried about the boys as the critter sitter was able to catch them in the house eating.
February 9, 2025
Super Bowl Sunday. Since Covid I have been shopping online but decided after retirement to start going back to the store. Im out of cat food so I went to the store this morning. Take the crowds at the grocery store before a storm and times it by 20. The carts were full of liquor and dip ingredients. I wish my brother could experience what it’s like to be in Kansas City when we win a Super Bowl. It feels like the whole city is a big family having a big block party during and after the game. I’ve tried recording the two minutes after a Super Bowl win, but it doesn’t record very well.
I decided I need someone to stay with me for the week after surgery, so my mom is going to come stay with me. The surgery is scheduled for March 20. She is coming on the 11th, and we hope to be able to go on a trip to Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and back.
Squidobarnez ⋅ February 09, 2025
throwing you massive heaps of good mojo for your procedure to go smoothly.
I love reading about how your cats behave in your what-sounds-like-quite-country-environment.
I hope you're having an awesome-sauce now.