Urethral Cancer in 2020s
- Jan. 24, 2025, 3:08 a.m.
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Although the odds are about the same as winning millions in the lottery, another possibility is urethral cancer. I seem to have a lot, if not most, of the symptoms. I took Azo for UTI pain that flared up again yesterday to help numb the burning when I pee, but once it’s out of my system, I’ll do a test strip and see where my WBC count is currently. I also don’t want it interfering with any testing the doctor may do.
I read that only about 600 cases of urethral cancer a year are reported, although white women over 50 are hit the hardest. Well, let’s hope the odds are in my favor, even though I have an incredible talent for beating the odds. Only one in 10,000 people are born with congenital aural atresia. Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder affects only about 0.03% to 0.2% of the general population.
I was really frustrated yesterday because first, I called Rhonda’s office and was told she didn’t work Fridays and was booked out until the 30th, even though I was under the impression I could get in a lot sooner if need be. Then the girl transferred me, and the phone just rang and rang. So, I hung up in frustration and called back a little while later, almost ready to just give up and live with whatever’s going on with me. Sooner or later, I’m going to throw in the towel as far as all these health issues are concerned because I’m so sick of having to deal with them.
Anyway, I was asked if I could come in a few hours later, but since I couldn’t, I’m going to see some guy instead at the same office on Monday morning. I don’t like that it’s a guy and that they don’t appear to be from here, but if they can give me some answers, that’s fine. I don’t think I have anything serious, but something’s got to be driving my WBC count up and causing my symptoms and I don’t think it’s all on menopause. Multiple sources tell me it’s not normal, so it shouldn’t simply be “just the way I am.” It’s likely a very stubborn UTI.
Luckily, that really shitty phlebotomist didn’t screw Tom out of being able to donate yesterday.
I had a dream I was listening to a voice message Andy left me and went to reply later on but couldn’t find my phone.
Then I swear Tammy was in a dream I can’t remember, and then it was off to our old house in Phoenix where we had just gotten a couple of kittens of all things. Not with my allergies!
At the same time we were in our old house, and half a dozen or so ladies from the park—although I don’t know who—were hanging at our place. They asked to get together somewhere else the following morning, but I knew I would be sleeping in, so I had to turn them down.
Last updated February 25, 2025
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