Referrals and Visions in 2020s
- Jan. 10, 2025, 3:38 a.m.
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Before I begin this entry, I want to take a moment to thank my loyal and regular readers, whoever you are, wherever you are, and whatever your reasons are for reading me. I appreciate you, whether it’s just random curiosity or genuine care about what’s going on in my life, my thoughts, my feelings, my opinions, and my beliefs. My most devoted followers always put a smile on my face. For a while, I thought that being the only one commenting on some people’s entries, who didn’t comment on mine, was a sign they didn’t really care. But isn’t following me regularly a form of caring? Unless someone has entirely different reasons for following me that I can’t begin to fathom, it does make me feel cared for and understood. Not that I’m lacking in those things, since I have a loving husband and a handful of good friends, some of whom I’ve met and some I haven’t. Still, it’s something I greatly appreciate.
Even more tired than yesterday. I was up for a long time. I suspect the Levo is ramping up. No breathing issues yet, though. Despite sleeping better than usual, I’m still pretty damn tired that I can’t wait to get back on that CPAP!
Since the bulk of our lives seems to be spent doing other people’s jobs for them (Walgreens billed the wrong insurance company, Walmart is still sneakily doubling items, and BK messed up our order), I’m going to have to call the pulmonologist to see if Rhonda faxed a referral to them. If not, then I have to call Rhonda to get her to do what I already asked her to do on the portal.
The health work doesn’t end there. Not only do I need to get the pulmonologist scheduled, but they have challenges where you can get gift cards and things like that for doing certain health-related tasks. I’m hoping step tracking is one of them because that would certainly be easy. I’ll check it out later.
Tom is going to be seeing his new doctor next week, and of course I’ll be sleeping. Really could use a better mix of alone/together time! Anyway, he’s going to see an Indian doctor. What a surprise, huh?
A quick Google search says the opposite of what the ENT said. It recommends a full-face mask and says that surgery is usually the first option to treat collapsed nasal valves. Like we agreed, though, we’ll see if the OTC stuff helps first. No, I don’t want to have surgery, and no, I don’t want to cost us thousands of dollars. But if getting it done and having a rough recovery for a week or two is going to help, then so be it. I’d rather suffer for a month or less as I recover than for the rest of my life. Even though they would have to take a little bit of cartilage from my rib, further research suggests it wouldn’t be nearly as rough as when I had my gallbladder removed.
The doctor did say that a nose mask that goes over the nose would not be good. It can actually put pressure on the outside of the nose and cause it to close up more rather than open.
The spray he called in for me is an antihistamine spray. That’s to be used if the OTC spray arriving in the mail today doesn’t work.
It’s amazing that if I were young again today, I would never need to go through the rough surgeries I endured to drill the canal. Now they have imaging that can look for any growths that may be present, which was part of why they drilled the canal, and all they would have to do is give me an anchor hearing aid. It’s funny because he was worried that if I lost hearing in my good ear and had sudden deafness like Tom did in one of his ears, I would be deaf if I didn’t do anything at all. But I would actually be quite thrilled if that happened, LOL.
Tom suspects it was mulberry trees making me sneeze in Phoenix. He said that when Phoenix really started building up, they planted those like crazy because they can take the heat.
I can barely take this cold, and I can also barely believe I’m in Florida! It’s definitely going to be hard reacclimating to a colder climate, and I can only go so far with that as opposed to adjusting to heat. When I got up, I threw the temp up from 70° to 75°, and I’m still freezing. It’s been dipping down into the upper 30s at night. Florida just shouldn’t be that cold! At least it’s keeping the bugs away and people quieter. We are going to be getting up to 69° today, though. It’s been rollercoastering up and down.
The lady bits are feeling better… yes! No woman should have to be left in the dark like I was, only to be blindsided by all kinds of torture. I’m glad there are Facebook groups now, but still, doctors need to wake the fuck up. Nonetheless, I hope it stays this way. I don’t want to get too excited yet. If I really had an infection, but the cranberry juice backed most of it off but not all of it, it could flare up again.
Went to Burger King yesterday, which was just so-so because the food was lukewarm by the time we got home with it, and they left out Tom’s tater tots. Fortunately, I had just made a batch of mashed potatoes in the large cooker, so he had that, which he prefers anyway.
As we pulled into the driveway, I reached for the door handle, turned back, and that’s when the vision happened. It only lasted for a split second. Because I question things more than most people, I asked myself over and over again if I could have imagined it, but I know I didn’t. As a psychic, I know those feelings and what they mean. It wasn’t like when I think of or envision something. Imagine looking at a computer monitor that’s turned off and completely black. Then, for a split second, an image appears and then disappears. Well, that’s the best way I can describe it. I saw our future “For Sale” sign along with the big crate—a shipping container like what we used to move from Phoenix to Maricopa. If this is as real as it seemed, then I’m going to get my energy restored, we’re going to do better financially, we’re going to ship our stuff back out west, and fly ourselves out there. Trying not to get too excited, LOL. I just don’t know what state. I’m torn between California and New Mexico. I prefer to go to a state with Death with Dignity in case either of us ever gets incurable cancer which is available in both states. But New Mexico is higher in elevation, which means the Chihuahuan Desert is colder. Returning to the Sonoran Desert in California, however, means warmer temps, but then I don’t get to add a new state to my list. Allergens and potential sonic boom areas are most important, though.
Last updated February 24, 2025
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