Second Spot in 2020s

  • Dec. 23, 2024, 5:55 p.m.
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Yay, I have a little more energy today! I still woke up a million times—once due to struggling to breathe out of my nose and finding one side completely blocked—but I was able to fall back asleep quickly enough thanks to the Clonazepam.

My dad briefly showed up in my dreams, but I don’t remember what was said.

Then I was witnessing or watching a documentary about a crime that happened way in the past in a country home, marveling at all the old-fashioned stuff back then. This couple had a five-year-old daughter and a son who was two or three years old. The daughter had been acting out for some reason, and the parents were trying to be really kind to her. They suggested watching a movie with her that night. To do that, they had to insert a screen into a cut-out in the bedroom wall. She wasn’t interested and wandered off to murder her little brother. Then the cops and media showed up. I was noting their clothes, hairstyles, and the way the female cops dressed in shorts and flip-flops were driving around in these round-like vehicles with rifles leaning against their sides to keep the media and onlookers at bay—rather than using ATVs or whatever else they would use in modern times.

I had another spot yesterday, this one twice as big, although still tiny, and I’m still not worried about it—not with only a 10% chance of it being cancer. It’s the atrophy. Plus, I don’t have any other symptoms except that lower-left stomach cramp at times, and Rhonda said that was digestive.

I created two additional Twitter accounts: one for my health and the other for the main highlights of my life, so I have them gathered for when I do yearly reviews at the end of each year.
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Last updated December 28, 2024

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