Sleep, Nose, Lungs, Meds in 2020s

  • Dec. 22, 2024, 2:28 a.m.
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Ugh, woke up a dozen times or more. I snored 3 or 4 times and seem to be bouncing back and forth between parents and termites in dreams. Last night, I was staying at a hotel with my parents and one other person on the top floor. Some guy that worked there told us we had to move down a floor. I said, “Are you kidding? There are four of us. I can’t just move us just like that.” I was the only one in the room at the time, but my mother returned, and I woke up as I was filling her in.

Anyway, I’m pretty tired today too. You know how these spells work—they don’t last just a day. They go on for days or weeks. Until these bastards in my nose shrink again or are treated, they’re going to be just one more curse on my sleep. Florida wrecked my nose, and we need to get to New Mexico ASAP so I can move on to whatever my problem is going to be there since I get a new problem with each new state.

Interestingly, when I checked, one of the most likely states for nasal polyps to occur is Florida. One of the least likely places is New Mexico. I’d say Texas is out—too much ragweed which makes me sneeze, and I think that’s what my problem was in Auburn. In CH, you didn’t have that everywhere, and I wasn’t sneezing my ass off there. No clue what it was in Phoenix, but it was obviously something that wasn’t in Maricopa because I didn’t sneeze there either. So, it’s likely going to be New Mexico, California, or Nevada. Anywhere they’re not going to sonic boom us at 5,000 feet. The more I think about that, the more that article makes no sense. Wouldn’t you have to smash every single window below you flying that low?

My lungs are just starting to get a little tight again, so I gave my symptoms to Doctronic, and it thinks it could be connected to asthma or the Levo. I remembered reading that it only takes as little as 8 lbs lost to affect your dosage, and I lost more than that. Also, lower TSH makes it harder to stay asleep. Lastly, the scale is down, so these are all indications—and I’m about ready to smash them with a bat before they can get any worse.

I’m going to have to be proactive from now on. Nothing’s going to make me tall, nothing’s going to give me perfect vision without glasses, nothing’s going to make me a different race, and nothing’s going to make me not sensitive to Levo. I’m gonna play it safe and skip a dose.

I love that I can confer with AI and see if it aligns with what I think or not. I told it that I made two skips and two time cuts, and it thinks it may have only bumped my TSH up less than two points. Also, after two weeks of taking my meds consistently, it could have put my TSH back down uncomfortably low. Since it’s not like it could kill me, I figure, why take a chance of it getting worse and suffocating awake again? Might have to skip every couple of weeks as opposed to every couple of months. But if it makes me feel better, so what?

It just doesn’t feel like typical asthma to me, just like my nose issues never felt like typical allergies. Then, once the unwanted tenants who have taken up residence in my nose are dealt with, if I continue to have tight spells, that narrows it down to the Levo or this fucking state that I can’t wait to get out of. The only thing that sucks is that dealing with nasal polyps is not an easy fix. Medicine isn’t always guaranteed, and even if you have surgery, they could reoccur. Hopefully, returning to a dry climate will stop that, though. I never had this problem until I came here.

Another thing that makes me doubt the asthma theory is the way the inhaler doesn’t help. It used to work just fine when I would get tight out west.

Although it’s very borderline, I’m slightly anxious—another Levo indicator. I’ll take half a Clonazepam if it gets worse. Meanwhile, I really can’t wait to clear my nose, get a CPAP, and get the fuck out. We’re hoping for 2026. Operation Desert Storm ‘26!

Two other things that make me suspect the Levo is the fact that I’m not sleeping as long and that the skips helped me the last time. I doubt both times were psychosomatic.

Andy said learning he was diabetic gave him the motivation to lose weight. Learning I was pre-diabetic gave me the motivation to cut sugar. Sleeping shitty as fuck most of the time has made me determined to get used to that damn CPAP!

I forgot to mention that when we went to Burger King yesterday morning, there were tons of crows in the parking lot. I’ve never seen that many at once. Tom was funny because he said, “What do they call that? A mob of crows?” LOL, it’s actually a murder of crows.
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Last updated December 27, 2024

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toddslife December 23, 2024

thats so funny“What do they call that? A mob of crows?” LOL, it’s actually a murder of crows.

Jodi toddslife ⋅ December 23, 2024

Yeah, I was LOLing for sure.

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