Here We Go Again in 2020s
- Dec. 21, 2024, 8:44 a.m.
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And we’re back to the breathing issues and broken-up sleep. ☹ Knew I would be sooner or later. Yesterday, I noticed my nose was getting stuffy again, and I woke up struggling to breathe through my nose a few hours after I crashed. Naturally, this left me tired when I got up later on. That wasn’t the only time I woke up. Seems like I woke up half a dozen or more times along the way. I was either snoring, or I had to pee, and then I had to dream of my shit sister and her fucked-up brood.
We were living in what looked like our Maricopa house. I guess we all just moved in or something. A couple of her brats were there giving me the silent treatment, but I ignored them in return and didn’t pay it much mind. As the morning wore on, it was getting hot in the house, and I suggested we shut the windows and kick the AC on. Then some kind of service guy was at the house that the termite seemed a bit suspicious of. She said something about measurements being taken.
Anyway, I did more research, and my symptoms definitely suggest polyps, and then there’s the fact that that was the first thing Rhonda mentioned. So I would guess that first, a valve issue second, and septum last. I’m really screwed if they’re all an issue! They can shrink and swell at random, and they don’t know what causes them, but there are some known triggers. One is ibuprofen, and I happened to take some before bed. I didn’t take clonazepam, though, because I was caught up on sleep. But now that I’m tired, I’m going to take it when I crash, so hopefully, it helps me sleep better. Again, I don’t want to overdo it, but I’m glad it’s there when I need it. So no more ibuprofen. I’ll be switching to Tylenol when I have any kind of pain. Besides humidifiers, eucalyptus or peppermint oil, vitamin D, and apples were on the list of recommendations I dug up.
I found the vitamin D thing rather interesting because I had increased my vitamin D before labs, and my nose had gotten better a few days or so before seeing Rhonda. I thought it was simply because I was less stressed out knowing I would soon be seeing her, but maybe there was more to it.
With tomorrow’s groceries, apples will be coming. I’ll also put some eucalyptus oil in my diffuser before bed and put the humidifier on as I’ve been doing ever since I got it. I don’t know if it will do me any good, though, or the clonazepam, but we’ll find out.
Since it had been better, I’ve been wearing the kids’ nose strips because they fit my tiny nose better and are more comfortable, but they aren’t as thick and strong, so I will make sure I sleep with an adult one next time.
I just hope this spell doesn’t last for weeks like it did the last time and that my lungs don’t join the party! The lungs I still think were on account of the Levo building up.
Despite being tired, I managed to dust the bedroom because I know allergens don’t help, particularly dust, while the bot vacuumed.
We also grabbed breakfast at Burger King, but I haven’t done much else. I napped a couple of times, although one of the times I didn’t actually fall asleep.
I also recharged my herbs and gems by smudging them. If I’m getting to be as good of a witch as I am psychic, then maybe they too, will be another positive influencing factor in letting me get better sleep next time around.
Speaking of being psychic, someone asked if I ever thought of making money with it. Nope. It’s not anything I can control. I can’t control what information or abilities come to me and therefore wouldn’t necessarily be able to give people what they wanted. A singer can go on stage and sing a group of planned-out songs. Someone can go to someone’s home to repair something. But if I’m asked to predict this or predict that, there are no guarantees I can deliver.
Last updated December 27, 2024
toddslife ⋅ December 22, 2024
sorry hope you get better sleep tonight
Jodi toddslife ⋅ December 22, 2024
I did...I think. I just woke up so hard to tell yet.