Fucking Politicians in 2020s
- Dec. 19, 2024, 6:44 a.m.
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I went to create another profile on Facebook, but it said I can’t have more than two additional profiles. That’s interesting because I only have one additional profile right now, and it certainly can’t be counting his. Maybe it’s one of the ones I deactivated. No worries, though, because I uploaded photos to my secondary account. I try to keep pictures we’ve taken on Facebook and things like my colorings and random pics around the web on my other account.
It really worries me when I hear talk about Social Security, Medicare, and private insurance being cut. I’d like to tell myself not to worry since politicians are always full of talk, but unfortunately, when they make good on their word, it’s not usually in a good way. Tom said not to worry about it because he has a backup plan in mind, which would involve declaring me disabled and getting me on SSI along with Medicaid.
If private insurance were to go away—and Tom doesn’t think it will, since Trump already tried to get rid of it and failed the last time around—then I’ll almost wish we could move to Massachusetts until I was 65 and able to get Medicare, as much as I would hate that climate. It’s just that, with me being a native of the state, I would automatically qualify for universal healthcare, and so would he, being married to me.
I’m so sick of politicians and their demented attitude “Because I can afford whatever I want, others can too.” We really need to make it a rule that no one can get into politics who hasn’t been poor and struggled before so they can get it through their thick skulls that, no, not everyone can just pay for things simply because they need them.
I don’t understand why these people can’t do basic, simple math. A person making 20 grand a year—not that that’s what we actually make, but just as an example—can’t possibly afford most medications, procedures, etc. How could they possibly think otherwise? As I’ve said a million times, I’m literally embarrassed to be part of the human race at times. Some people’s stupidity is truly mind-boggling.
But I’ve learned to never say never and assume anyone’s rights are safe. There have been things I thought would never change that did change, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the private insurance option was gone, gay marriage was overturned, and who knows what else.
I am so, SO sick of a handful of twisted nutjobs making our decisions for us!
Last updated December 27, 2024
Scott ⋅ December 19, 2024
Now the new player that wants to take over. Musk. They know nothing about the common people. A big problem is so many up there in the ivory Towers they lack empathy and compassion. They are like aristocracies of old in which they look down with contempt at those, not having what they have. They care absolutely nothing for the lives of others because they will never have to fear, starvation, homelessness, or extreme bad health. No compassion, no empathy, but plenty of sociopathy.
Jodi Scott ⋅ December 19, 2024
Yeah, Musk is another scary one.
Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ December 19, 2024
I hear ya. I'm freaked out in Canada bout Trump's proposed tariffs. he's a fucking lunatic, worst of them, but the US galls me a lot for how they approach things like healthcare.
Jodi Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ December 19, 2024
I never thought one way or another about being American but these last few years have had a part of me wishing I was from Europe or Canada.
Sleepy-Eyed John Jodi ⋅ December 19, 2024
No doubt.