Eighteen and Counting plus Forty in Thirty-Nine
- Dec. 2, 2024, 12:56 p.m.
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Hey friends how are we all doing this far? Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Our war full of frustration but we still managed to get through it
If you somehow missed the last entry, or aren’t on my FB....I am pregnant and 18 weeks along!! Things are all going very well with that thankfully. I feel pretty decent other than you know feeling pregnant lol. But having had to come off my major two meds was a scary thought. Luckily things have remained pretty steady as far as my health goes. No major flares.
But yeah, we have been moving along pretty nicely in that regard. Everything else is going well. Randy was and continues to be a little bummed because he had applied for the store manager position at a new store they’re opening up in Tucson. He wants to go back home so badly. And I don’t blame him one bit.
I have distant family here, but nothing worth sticking around for. So moving back to Tucson is the best option. But he didn’t get the position he applied for. I understand their reasoning though. He’s doing exceptional here with this store and right now they simply don’t have anyone to fill that position that’s going to be the same level of leadership that they have now. So it would be a shot in the foot for them to just let him move on.
I told him that store will be there, he can apply for the position at a later date. Plus having to move while I’m pregnant does not seem like a fun time. So for now he’s reeling it back in and focusing back on what he’s doing here. Things seem to be calmed down a bit with him thankfully.
He’s beyond excited to be welcoming this baby and also to be able to get to know his oldest daughter. He’s going to Austin from Dec 26th - 31st to meet her and spend some time with them so that’s really good for him.
Thanksgiving week was a disaster but hopefully things will be getting sorted out soon. The Kia we bought back in July started giving us problems. Like the engine sounded janky and it wasn’t getting a ton of power like it should. So Randy has been careful about just going to and from work. I didn’t even want to drive it because that crap is a huge anxiety trap for me.
Well Monday before Thanksgiving he had a service appointment with the dealership and they told him that there was some sort of recall on it. He called Kia in Las Cruces (1.5 hrs away) and they told him to bring it down.
Tuesday morning he gets up and starts heading down there but 40 miles later in Deming, the engine just fails. So he ended up having to call a tow truck and spending $250 out of pocket to get it to the dealership. He spent all day Tuesday there waiting for someone from Kia corporate to get back to the dealership about what to do. Back and forth between them and the dealership here and come to find out it’s not when a recall.
So now it’s closing time, he doesn’t have anywhere to go or any way of getting home, so he’s just like well I’m gonna have to sleep in the car. But they said no, that’s a liability and safety issue so the dealership manager paid for a hotel out of his own pocket. It was a janky ass hotel, but it wasn’t the car.
So Wednesday morning comes around, he hasn’t slept much, he didn’t have his meds the night before and the morning, so he’s feeling rough and he goes back to the dealership. Still nothing from Kia. I’m beyond pissed by this point like what the hell is he going to have to stay there again and miss Thanksgiving?
So finally I start asking around to see if anyone is in LC or going and coming back that he could catch a ride with. Thankfully my friend Z said her husband was down there and could pick him up.
Long story short the dealership here screwed us over and we should never have been sold the car in the condition it was in. The engine was already bad and they didn’t properly inspect it. Had bad oil leaks and there was sludge in the valve cover. So now the two dealerships are trying to figure out what to do, waiting for Kia corporate to get with their engineers about what can be done, but it’s most likely going to be a new engine. The problem there is it will be three weeks at minimum to get the engine from Korea.
So in the meantime, we were stuck with a vehicle so how the heck is Randy going to get to work. Public transport here is a joke and they don’t even run early enough for us to schedule a pickup to get him to work on time.
Thanksgiving was just whatever we had on hand. We usually go to my aunt’s, but she’s the grandmother of the cousin who had been a huge thorn in our side so we avoided that all together.
Luckily I had a few friends who thought of us and brought us some food and dessert.
My friend Z was one of those and she said that she also had a car we could use for the time being! So I had already arranged a ride to work for Randy for Friday (another friend who actually went to school with my oldest brother). And so they ended up just dropping the car off to Randy at work on Friday.
Thankfully we have that to use for now but we’re still waiting for the dealership here to come up with a solution for us so we have something to use for the long run since it seems like we most likely won’t be getting the Kia back until January.
I have just been so frustrated with all of this because overall it seems like the dealership here just wants to yank our chain around even though this is all their fault.
Blah we shall see what this week brings. We made it through the holiday weekend and we’re just waiting on all of that.
My 40th birthday is coming up on the 10th. I didn’t even think for a moment I’d be nearly halfway through my first (healthy) pregnancy when I turned 40 but here we are lol.
I have two Dr Appointments on the 11th in El Paso that I really need to get to, as well as one in Las Cruces on the 16th. Hoping they can get their shit together before then so we have a vehicle to use and don’t have to keep borrowing this one from Z.
Man oh man. But anyway, I had my 2nd ultrasound on Tuesday of last week and all seems to be going well. Baby is growing properly and everything looks good overall.
I did the genetic testing Bloodwork today so we’ll know more about that in a week or so. That’ll confirm the gender, which we’ll do a reveal for when that time comes. We kind of already know but we’re just waiting for the blood tests to confirm.
Anywho so that’s all thats been going on. A lot but not much lol. I hope you all have a wonderful time and if I don’t speak before then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Squidobarnez ⋅ December 02, 2024