Nearly There in Forty
- Feb. 18, 2025, 6:13 p.m.
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I just now realized again as usual that I haven’t written since December and here we are halfway through February.
If you read my last entry I stated that I was 18 weeks pregnant at that point. Well I’m 29 weeks pregnant now and things are still going along smoothly for the most part. But let me go back to everything else that has been going on since the beginning of December.
So I turned 40 obviously. It’s been crazy being here at 40 being pregnant and getting ready to welcome my first child into the world. It’s been a really crazy ride I guess you can say. We found out probably a little after Christmas I think that we were having a boy so that’s going to be really exciting.
Now if you’re on my Facebook you’re already know everything that’s been going on but those of you that aren’t that’s where we’re at.
We ended up actually getting our car back probably a week before Christmas which was good because I had to take Randy down to El Paso to the airport so he could go to Texas to meet his daughter. The Kia dealership down there went above and beyond and they were able to get approval for the engine swap and by 2 days later they had the engine installed and the car was ready to go.
But we are still sort of dealing with the dealership, well rather not dealing with the dealership because they refused to return our calls or any inquiries that we make for anything regarding this situation. I’ve even gone so far as to contact Toyota corporate, which is what the dealership runs under, even though our car is a Kia, it was a used car that they sold to us. But as of today they still haven’t gotten back to us about anything. So that really sucks but I think we’re going to end up kind of going after them, possibly suing them for the car. But we need to talk to a lawyer about what we can possibly do about that because it’s just been a hole nightmare that we don’t even need to be worrying about now especially with the baby coming.
Christmas was nothing we didn’t do anything and I was a little bummed to be honest because I didn’t actually get anything for Christmas this year. We spent all of our money on getting Randy his ticket to Texas, that we just didn’t have anything extra. Being pregnant and emotional that was really rough on me. But it is what it is.
I took Randy to the airport around midnight on the 26th of December and his flight left about 3:00. Thankfully the flight was short. He was so nervous when I dropped him off at the airport and he cried a little bit before he left because he was so nervous. I asked him if he was ready and he just broke down a little bit and said no. But thankfully the whole trip for him went really well and that whole situation with his daughter and the mother of his daughter has been going amazingly.
I’ve had some interaction with both of them and at the end of the day we’re just trying to give our children a healthy and loving family to grow up with. Randy and Sara didn’t have a great upbringing because of their parents and they don’t want that for their kids at all. I’m on the other side of things where I had amazing parents and I’m more than happy to share that love and wisdom that I experienced growing up with all of them. I know that having my parents in his life made a huge difference for Randy especially my dad.
We were together for about 4 years before my mom passed and we didn’t get a ton of time to spend all together. But my dad did spend a lot of time with us after my mom passed so he really got to know my dad a lot and he was very thankful to have known both of them but especially my dad. So that was that.
I went back down on New Year’s Eve to pick him up and he was just kind of glowing and radiant because the whole trip had gone so well. And he was just beyond excited to have had the opportunity to do so. It sucks having to have waited 15 and a half years to meet his daughter but I’m just glad that they finally were able to do so.
We were going to try to get her out here over her spring break in March but we just have way too much to do in preparation for the baby’s arrival that we’re just going to wait until her summer break and wants the baby is born so she can meet her baby brother.
What else let’s see I was kind of getting irritated because at this point it would be pointless for us to move back to Tucson because I’m already established with my doctors here and I would most likely have a hard time even getting into a doctor over there because of where I’m at in my pregnancy and all the other issues that I have I’m not even sure if any baby doctors would take me in as a patient. I am high risk because of my age and because of my autoimmune and neurological conditions so people aren’t always as open to taking patients like me.
So I finally got it through his head that we needed to stay here until the baby is born. He had set up some interviews and stuff in Tucson and I told him well if you get any of those jobs you’re going by yourself and I will stay here until the baby is born. That finally clicked in his head and so he’s just been sort of waiting it out.
His job is going great nonetheless. He has had some issues with some of his employees but they end up taking care of themselves in the end. We’re doing good otherwise.
I did have some issues with my blood pressure being super high. Back in January it was like 168/93 and so they put me on some blood pressure medication right away. At 26 weeks I did my gestational diabetes tests and whatnot and of course I have it because I was already sort of pre-diabetic beforehand but I had had it maintained just through my diet. I was only eating once a day before I got pregnant but now that this baby is growing inside of me I’m eating at least two full meals and snacks in between so it was definitely meant to happen.
I had all my anatomy scans and everything looks good with him so we’re progressing very nicely. I have to go down to Las Cruces for a neonatal specialist once a month. But March should be the last time I have to go since my OB here is doing weekly visits now. Because of the gestational diabetes the doctor put me on glyburide and some insulin which I’m still waiting to pick up because the pharmacy is taking forever to fill those.
Otherwise everything is going good. Baby boy is going to be big. They said he’s looking like he’ll be in the 8 lb range which is where I was when I was born I was 8 lb 11 oz. As of the 10th of February he was measuring about 3 lb so he’s going to be a chunky baby.
They did sort of see something in his heart that was mildly concerning but overall looked like it would be fine. That’s why I have to go back down for the last time next month just so that they could take a look at it again to make sure that it’s still looking fine. I also have to see my rheumatologist that day so that will be good.
What else has been going on? I’m not sure when my baby shower is going to be just yet, but my cousin and a couple of my friends are planning it. So we’ll see when that happens I told them probably like early April would be a good time. I definitely don’t think I’m going to go all the way to my due date which is May 4th so probably last week of April I will most likely have this baby boy. But we’ll see what happens he’s been holding steady.
I am seeing the OB once a week now like I said. And I’m also going to the hospital once a week now so that way they can monitor him and make sure everything is going well. He is very active which is awesome, but at the same time it’s very exhausting cuz he kicks and moves around like crazy. But that’s exactly what we want. I’m just I’m very excited and nervous for this whole thing to happen.
We’re just preparing as best as we can to welcome him. We have a lot of rearranging still left to do in the house but will be getting it done within the next month or two.
Our main concern right now is getting the bathroom remodeled because it definitely needs it. But we already have a contractor coming out tomorrow to give us a quote on what it’s going to cost us to do. We have most of the material like the toilet and the sink and a shower pan, or we might be getting a surround that includes a tub. But other than that the only thing we need would be flooring, a new window, and some drywall. So that’s exciting.
That bathroom is in such bad shape and the toilet leaks everywhere and it’s just a mess in there so it’ll be really nice to have a nice bathroom for once. The bathroom is tiny so it’s not going to take a whole lot of material for the flooring and whatnot. The biggest part is going to be the shower because I think they’re going to have to completely demolish it and rebuild it but that’s fine too. So we’re going to see how that goes.
Once that is all set we need to redo the roof on the back part of the house the back to rooms that way we can remodel at least one of the rooms for now so that way Randy’s daughter can come and stay with us for a little bit during the summer at least. So that will be what we’ve got going on.
I believe we’re going to Tucson next month at some point to visit cuz we haven’t been back there since last Christmas. And of course everybody wants to see us but nobody will make the effort to come out here but that’s fine.
Oh yeah I did get some new baby ratties back in January. I guess that was my late Christmas present. We ended up getting two boys from a pet shop here in town. There were only about 4 weeks old which is a lot younger than I like to adopt babies, but then one of my friends had some slightly older babies that she was trying to get rid of, so we have four boys and two girls at the moment.
We’re still trying to get two more girls because four is just a good number to have. The boys are doing just fine though, and I think the smaller babies are catching up to the bigger babies so they might be a lot bigger. The younger ones are about 8 or 9 weeks old now and the older ones are about 11 to 12 weeks old so yeah they’re still pretty young but they’re all pretty fun. The girls we named Agnes and Margot, and when we get the two more we’re going to name them Edith and Lucy from the despicable Me franchise. And for the boys we decided on Tony Bruce Steve and Nick after marvel characters LOL.
They’re all a lot of fun though so that’s awesome.
Dice and poker are still doing well so is the old ass cat Josie. She’ll be 18 in June. So we’ll see how she reacts to the baby and how the dogs do too it’ll be interesting for sure.
But yeah that’s about all I guess for now thankfully. I’ve gotten a lot of clothes and stuff for my cousin and she gave me a bassinet and a playpen and a bouncer. My other cousin gave me some clothes as well so this little guy will definitely be well taken care of.
I suppose that’s all for now. I hope you all are having a good one and that the rest of your February goes well. Again I’m going to try to write a little bit sooner than 2 months but you know how it goes LOL. Anyway take care of everybody.
The Dress Collector ⋅ February 18, 2025
We're remodeling our bathroom too and I'm so excited. It's well overdue for us since there's leaking from the tub into our (fortunately) unfinished basement.
Squidobarnez ⋅ February 19, 2025
wow at all of this! I'm glad you're rocking it, chicaroni.