Resolutions 2025 in Each Day

  • Jan. 5, 2025, 6:46 p.m.
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I’m cleaning the slate. I’m not using my usual template for Resolutions this year.

Buy Nothing Year - The crux of it is wanting a barrier between me and spending. I’ve been watching/reading Buy Nothing Year adherents for a few years and the way I react mentally to the mere suggestion that I try it was akin to an addiction: fear, denial, also the certainty that I will fail.
But I’m finally learning that even if I fail I can focus my efforts on the same thing with better understanding of my motivations/difficulties.
Rules: I will not buy anything new. Any purchases that are necessary for the home I will try to find second hand. Exceptions include replacing worn out items (I already have to replace a pair of tights I blew out the leg seam on, for example); dinner out for craft night and Sunday brunch; supplies for projects only if they will be completed (no making up a project because I find a pretty skein of yarn or sparkly beads); items to finish my Sith costume (which I don’t foresee any additional spending, but there’s a chance one of the pieces I am making might not work out, so I will need supplies to create a replacement).
~~ETA: I saw someone who printed off a calendar for the year and marks off each day as a spending day or not. I’m going to do:
Purple - no spending
Black - frivolous spending
Pink - household spending (i.e. bills, groceries, etc)
I really wanted to do stars, but that’s something I’d have to buy, so I’m sticking with markers.

January Cure/Uncluttered - I’m starting another round of Uncluttered, and also doing the January Cure at the same time. It should be interesting. Now that I have sorted my bedroom and art room (despite not having a proper desk yet) I feel much more on top of my stuff.

Home Efficiency review + resulting repairs - We need new windows desperately. There’s a small grant available to homeowners to upgrade their home (windows, insulation etc), and there’s also an interest free loan available if you have an efficiency review completed. So step one to getting new windows is having a professional tell us that our windows are shit (yes, we know).

I would like to save 15% of my gross income - That’s it. It speaks for itself.

Get out of my own way - stop telling myself I can’t do something before I even try. I talk a lot about be afraid and do it anyway, but what if it’s not fear that’s stopping you? Self doubt is just as paralyzing. I need to allow myself to fail so that I can grow, learn my limits, break through limiting thoughts.

Spend more time creating - now that the art room is functional (even if it’s not finished), I have a space to focus on creating without being in my or M’s way.

As always, I reserve the right to add to this list as I see fit.

Last updated January 12, 2025

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