people are weird in Hi This is Kat!
- Oct. 24, 2024, 5:15 p.m.
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Hell WE all are weird. Some just are more comfortable in their own skin and proudly flaunt their weirdness… guessing that would be me now?
It is like how 8 year olds make fun of kids who are different the ones that can’t help but show their weirdness and ones that don’t care…
Adventually everyone finds out that they were weird and their friends are weird but it is okay because they are YOUR kind of weird!
As you get older you realize that EVERYONE you know is weird in their own way.. many times that weirdness is endearing and other times that weirdness makes us shake our head
Many people spend their whole life trying to hind their weirdness like they are ashamed? Some get very good at it but trust me, those people still be weirdos!
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