Monday Afternoon Rambles in Thirty-Nine
- Aug. 26, 2024, 7:19 p.m.
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Hey friends, I hope you all are doing well over here in PB land. I’ve been hanging in there. Been a little busy but nothing too out of the scope of possible.
I am not sure if you all remember back in June, I had mentioned that one of my friends, D, had been in a really bad bicycle accident. Well he spent time in the hospital, had to have his leg operated on because he fractured it in 5 places. Well he had been back and forth between here and Houston and Atlanta, just getting able to be on his own again.
He finally made it home last Tuesday or Wednesday thankfully. He lives in a little RV camper so he had to make sure he was able to get in and out of there on his own. He’s doing ok. I went over to see him Thursday and Saturday I think. Yeah.
But I got his mail for him, picked up groceries and the first day I just brought him some food because he was having a bit of a struggle getting his bearings about him. But he is doing well, nonetheless. I told him to let me know if he needs anything, so that way I could take my hubby to work and be able to get anything he needs. He’s struggling with that a bit. I told him, I know it’s hard to ask, but you don’t have a choice right now. So he was very appreciative of it.
Let’s see....There’s really not much else going on at the moment. We lost Boneripper yesterday unfortunately. I went to check on them in the AM like I always do, and I had given them some yogurt the night before and everything was fine, but Bones had passed when I went to check on him. He didn’t move when I opened the cage and I knew it right away. Plus Lurky was down on the bottom and was like clawing at the cage, which he never does. He wasn’t panicked or anything, just like hey, there’s something wrong.
So it’s just Lurky by himself now. I’ve been giving him as much extra love as he’ll allow. He’s just been pretty antisocial, but hopefully he’ll come around in the next couple days. I feel like he has a lot of life left. If Thanquol hadn’t developed that ZGT the two of them would have been around for a while. They’re dwarf, so they live a little bit longer than the standard size guys. We’ll see how much more time we get with Lurky. We’ll be bringing him into the living room this evening so he won’t have to be by himself.
We also welcomed Cleo back. She was the stray cat that snuck into the house and had kittens and then snuck back out. I heard her calling outside, so I went to check and she came over to me a bit cautiously. I offered her some food outside and she ate, but the following day she was back in the house where she had been before. SUPER preggo again. But this time it seems like she’s carrying them to term. The other ones were premature we think. So we’ll see when she pops and what we end up with.
We have been talking for some time now about getting another kitten. A male kitten to introduce to Josie, so that way when she goes, whenever that may be, we’ll already have another one. But we shall see. If Cleo sticks around after her babies are born, we’ll have her fixed and then keep at least one of the male kittens. If she doesn’t stick around, we’ve already bought some formula and bottles in case she just skedaddles again after she gives birth.
But I’m not sure when it’ll be. Probably within this week. She is huge. But she’s good otherwise. Still very friendly and loving, purrs up a storm lol.
This time around was a lot less chaotic for her, so I hope she will stick around. But if not, we’ll at least get our kitten lol. She’ll have 4 or more i’m sure.
Anywho, what else.....oh yeah still more shit with the neighbors dogs. They have now physically attacked both dogs. I had the Police Chief, Code Enforcement and Animal Control here the other day. the one dog, Simba, has to be tied up because he gets out of the yard and chases cars and people and whatnot. So he was there, he had jumped over the fence and when I went to go get him back in the yard, he jumped back over, but got caught by the chain. I’m trying to get him lose, the other dog, Zoey, the aggressive one, is attacking him the whole time. so he’s yelping and she’s barking and snarling, Joker, the big dobie who is the best behaved of all three, is trying to get Zoey off of Simba. I’m trying to get Randy out the door to work, and the landscaper is here cleaning the yard.
So Dice and Poker come out to see what the commotion was and go straight to the fence because that’s where the noise is (remember, blind). So they get to the fence and Zoey grabs Poker by the full snout and tries to pull him through the fence. Joker is on top of her trying to get her off, Simba is befuddled and doesn’t know WHAT to do so he’s just standing by the fence like WTF. So we pull Zoey off of Poker and he’s crying, it looks like she has ripped his face off because he’s full of blood. I get him closer to the house and get some paper towel so I can wipe him off and assess his wounds, only to find out that all the blood on him was from Zoey, so she must have gotten the fence too in her effort to hurt Poker, and ripped her mouth up. Good!
So anyway, that’s all happening, I call animal control right way and report a dog attack. Two minutes later the Police Chief and Code Enforcement show up and I let them know what happened. They ask me if the dogs have been a problem and for how long and I say yes, and for the last three years we’ve been here, as well as previous years when my dad was here by himself.
So the animal control officer finally gets there. This whole time the dogs are attacking the fence, threatening to come under through the holes that they have dug. So the ACO got pictures and videos of all that. But I have yet to hear anything. Saturday I was outside with the dogs and looked over and Simba is just sitting there in my yard. He’s tied up on the other side of the fence but he dug under my fence was just chillin. So i went over to see if he needed help getting back under and no he didn’t, he just slunk back under, but when I got close to the fence he lunged under the fence at me.
At that time, Zoey came over and started jawing at me, so there was a couple of metal crates there and without thinking, I kicked the crate towards the fence to get them way from the fence so I could position the crate so they couldn’t get under.
I though I had broken my toe. And maybe i did, but who knows. It is almost black at this point. It doesn’t really hurt much, but it looks bad.
Anyway, I gotta call the police chief here in a bit because I have a video of him doing that and whatnot so another thing to report I guess. They have moved Simba to the back, but HE isn’t the major problem. It’s Zoey, she needs to go. The other two are fine and sweet when she isn’t around. It’s a double edged sword though. She’s an aggressive pit. She will be put down. But unfortunately I am so tired of her injuring my dogs. It will be me or my husband or another person next.
But yeah that’s that. We got our yard cleaned up too. $600 later, but it’s done, dammit LOL. We’ll see what the Code Enforcement Officer has to say though, he was kind of a dick. Le Sigh.
Anyway I think that’s it for now. Hope you all have a good week!
potato ⋅ August 26, 2024
Usually with pitties and rotties (my two fave dog breeds) it's the owner who is being the arse and raising them like shit. I am sorry about Boneripper though... and very cool names for your pets. :D
Stephably potato ⋅ August 26, 2024
Oh yeah it's definitely the owner. They saw the situation with me putting the crates against the fence and just walked off like nothing was happening. Ugh it's frustrating as hell. They're nice people on the surface but don't give a fuck about the right things.
Thank you, I really appreciate it!! Boneripper was brother to Thanquol and Snikrit who have passed before him, but over the years we have had close to 30 rats, both males and females, and I could name all of them, but I'm sure you don't want to read that lol. Dice and Poker are my big boys, beagle shepherd mixes, they are 10 and 9 years old; Josie is my 17 year old cat and Cleo is the stray cat that we currently have besides my lone rattie Lurky.
potato Stephably ⋅ August 26, 2024
OMG. I love beagles!! Not as much as rotties and pitties though. We have one bunny named Leo (if you go to my entry called For John, you can see him in the image gallery! He is a small for his breed Flemish Giant. :D
Squidobarnez ⋅ August 27, 2024
lots of animal-related activity going on! I hope you're having a lovely now.