Fundraiser in Secrets of a crafty witch
- Oct. 10, 2024, 2:03 a.m.
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Our local shelter was hit by a terrible scandal. Someone stole the homeless populations money! At the shelter a lot of them do not trust banks, so they put money in a safe for safekeeping and someone stole it!
Its a terrible ugly thing!
We have been working with the shelter for months providing counseling services to anyone who wants them and we started to have a harder and harder time contacting our company contact. Till finally she stopped responding. Then we hear one of the top people is stepping down.
It all comes to light that SOMEONE ( nameless) was stealing. They are closing HALF of their program down.
Its so sad and wrong. Here we are, about to head into winter and the population is loosing access to the ONLY beds for sleeping and the warming shelters.
About two months ago I had asked my boss about hosting a supply drive. I was thinking how so many kids here dont have hats or gloves. Or winter coats, Its such a freaky thing to me that they dont have cold gear. Granted its not often THAT cold and they are never outside for long. I even told a woman who was complaining the busses were running when it was 10 degrees F out. She was mad they had not canceled school ( bat shit crazy to me, its not THAT COLD) But I offered to buy her kids hats and gloves because she clearly had a hard time with dressing their kids for winter weather. She ignored me after offering haha.
But I had asked if we could do a drive and have baskets of free hats and gloves, even cotton ones, for people to take for adults and kids alike. She LOVED the idea ( ive done a fundraiser/drive every year since I started at my company) We told the team and said for November!
So when we heard about the shelter. the clincial director was like LETS DO A SUPPLY DRIVE FOR THEM. I actually was kinda crushed when everyone gushed over it. CEO actually said, Yeah L suggested that a month ago for hats and gloves and winter gear. Its a great idea! CD was all Oh. Yeah. I remember that.
Anyway I put together the flyers and links to supplies. While its not THAT cold for busses, it 100% is too cold for our homeless populations to be left adrift. Especially seeing the police and city cleaned out the camps and bulldozed out their spaces including over all belongings. It was kinda ugly. I get it and i hate it too.
So I got all the stuff together and now we are having a supply drive.
Im currently doing what I thought of in the first place. Knitting hats for anyone who needs them. Ill stick them in the basket for the homeless and when we finish the drive. Ill continue with my idea of putting a basket in our waiting room for those in need.
We have done toys for tots. School supplies for the kids in foster care and last year we did an angel tree. Unfortunately my contact for that was shot and killed in a club shooting and it kinda broke my heart. It was a week after we met and she was just amazing. I spent over an hour giving her a tour of all my locations and chatting. Then she was shot and killed. That angel tree was also for foster kids. So we do one a year. This year. Im knitting hats and gloves. Im running myself out of inexpensive yarns fast. Im going for fast knits that dry easy. No wool content because I dont want to hear " im allergic" So Im doing easy wash and wear acylics. Just basic beanies, with whatever fun colors I can find.
Im thinking ill hit up a thrift store for more yarns soon. Im running myself out fast. At least Ill have something to give out to people. Thats what matters really right?
This makes me feel better. I realize for all my struggles, I dont worry much about keeping warm and there are always hats in my house for cold heads.
I may only have 23 cents in my bank account till payday, but dammed if im not warm.
My one receptionist A was telling me she and her kids agreed on secret Santa for gifts. so they each only need to buy one gift. They cant afford more then that. So im adding them to my hat list too. My kids don't get a big Christmas, but they each get gifts. I knit them hats all the time lol. And they do wear them. I hope A's kids ( youngest is 15, oldest is 23) will like them too.
Small Town Girl ⋅ October 13, 2024
You have such a great heart and great ideas! I hope they know who stole the money! The wordl we live is just to damned awful!