Happenings in Current Events
- Oct. 9, 2024, 7:25 a.m.
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After I wrote my last entry, I went to town around the apartment. That battle on that battlefield that I described got very intense again. I think I need to write every single day or else my mind will explode. It races so hard it hurts. If I lose the smallest amount of structure, I go way off course. My spatial awareness has been an issue as of late. I’m not a clumsy person but that’s all I’ve been doing. Walking into everything, bumping into everything, tipping, spilling, slipping, etc. I broke my favorite water bottle. It gave me an excuse to buy a copper one that I’ve been dragging out. They’re so expensive. When I quit smoking 9 years ago, I picked up the habit of toting a water bottle around. I don’t drink out of steel or plastic. Just glass. Until this Saturday when my copper one arrives.
I probably should have stayed home yesterday but I didn’t want to lose any pay. I don’t have any time banked for sick days. I was shocked when Diego showed up on time. That has not happened yet. I told my coordinator that I was suddenly stressed about the 30k that we have to spend by the end of the month. We are past the point of planning. We should be taking action yesterday! We have three weeks. I said. He felt validated because he was stressed about it too. We are going to dedicate this afternoon to exactly that. Also, I still haven’t received my last background check.
My roommate and I were talking the other night. She said something that made her make sense. My grandmother took care of everything. She did absolutely everything in the house. When I moved out I didn’t know how to do anything. Oh yes, it all makes sense now. Zero domestic skills. This isn’t even a failed trad-wife issue, this is a failed-adult issue. Thanks for giving the world a 40-year-old teenager. I was being hypercritical about parents who have kids old enough to take care of the house. Their houses are a disaster and the parent(s) are strung out trying to do everything. We used to have lots of kids so they could help out on the farm. Now, we have kids that can’t do their own fucking laundry? Thanks for giving the world a 40-year-old teenager. I was explaining how there were many epic battles with my mother while she got us to clean the apartment. Not tidy the place, but actually clean the place. That is when my roommate told me she never had to do a damn thing, ever. Her grandmother lived with them and took care of everything. It is their culture. My mother was a single mom in the 90s. My siblings and I had to do our own cooking and cleaning. We are better for it. Now we have iPad babies and kids with severe brain rot.
Today’s cough feels better. At least phlegm comes up and scratches that tickle in my throat. My chest was feeling quite sore by the time I went to bed. I was a bit concerned but not too concerned. When I spent the night at my sister’s, I saw that she started using Ariwick again. That is medieval-level torture. For starters, every single one of them smells like garbage. They’re very toxic. I have a hypersensitivity to it ever since I quit smoking. In general, you have to be an actual idiot to think they’re okay to breathe in. I knew it was going to make my cold worse. It was just a runny nose on Sunday. It turned into a cough the next day. I feel a lot better today. It should be behind me by tomorrow. I want to go to the gym but that would be counter-intuitive. My body needs rest.
Half of my matches are gone on Facebook Dating. It could be a glitch or they all unmatched me and I didn’t care to notice… until now. The app is deeply confusing. The guy I was talking with who I actually had an interest in is now gone. Oh well. Maybe he unmatched me or deleted his page for it. He used his full name so he wasn’t hard to find. I’m tempted to DM him but… I don’t wanna be spooky. I’m half Scorpio, I don’t need to show it.
When I quit my last job, I didn’t realize that I had a deferred group profit-sharing plan. I got a letter in the mail from Manulife telling me what my options were. I almost tossed the letter out without reading it. I had until December before it was all voided. Long story short, that deposit hit yesterday. This is great. I officially don’t have to worry about money. I am hoping that I can keep it this way. I haven’t had it like this since I was let go from that restaurant job 6 years ago. It’s been nothing but struggle. I didn’t know when I would have enough money again so I got into the habit of getting everything I could while I could. I started buying things forward with my credit card. I can spend my money in real time now. 4 Weeks sooner than I planned.
I saw that my organization is hiring an HR assistant. I sent the link to Adam. I used to work with him a few years ago. He went to school so that he could be an HR but the competition has been crushing him. I’ll put in a word and hopefully, they’ll hire him. He’s such a great guy, and this would be so good for him and his little family. It would be nice to have him around, he is an awesome human being. He and my coordinator are almost the same person. Personality wise.
Anyway, my mornings have been long. I don’t start until 11:30 AM three days a week. I’m going to go have a detox bath and get this day started. It’s aching me that I am not going to the gym. But maybe tomorrow.
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