Things I did not do today.... in Lists

  • Oct. 27, 2013, 9:59 p.m.
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  1. plant my bulbs - alas and alack - I will HAVE to do it soon. I'm hoping for warmer weather and there might be some but there is no guarantee. I am not the owner of a bulb planter - a hand tool that makes a hole into which you can drop the bulb. I have no idea if it works or not. I also am not real sure where I'm going to plant the bulbs. I thought I would do it around the well and the woodpile but I have a lot of bulbs and they may not fit there. Otherwise .... Gosh is it spring yet?

  2. walk my steps - more regrets - I am not happy with my pedometer's performance. I am almost less happy with my secondary pedometer's performance. First pedometer first gave me too many steps and now gives me too few steps. I am suspicious that it needs a new battery. But first I must find a tiny screwdriver to take out the tiny screws so see if it even has a battery. Second pedometer may work ok, I"m not sure, but its clip is not very good, it falls off all the time. And its reset button pushes too easily so you find yourself starting over unexpectedly. Not good.

  3. bring in any more wood. We probably have enough but tomorrow I will have to bring some in.

  4. water and arrange my indoor/outdoor plants. It's been going on two weeks now that they are in the house and they are still where I put them when I brought them in that first really cold night. All except for those I put on the piano bench which were moved so Katie and her mom could play the piano last weekend. I am undecided as to whether to bring in the round table from the deck to put the plants on in front of the east windows - that is what I did last year and it worked pretty well. I really need to do that this years.

  5. didn't call the college town's library - which is open Sunday afternoons to renew the only slightly overdue library books.

  6. didn't go to another wake, this time for the little sister of my high school boyfriend who went to the same country school that I did. I read her obituary on line and it mentioned she went to Jefferson #4 country school.

Last time I listed regrets I got a reference to Edith Piaf -

Spilledperfume October 27, 2013

NorthernSeeker October 27, 2013

There were probably lots of things you did do today.

woman in the moon NorthernSeeker ⋅ October 27, 2013

Well maybe. I made sandwiches for the combiners. I got dressed - pretty late. I started a fire - pretty late. I read a little bit of The Hound of the Baskervilles - found it in the basement. I killed a lot of time on-line. I hosted Joana when she brought apples and a squash - I'd drank the last hard cider so I couldn't give it to her = and she likes it.
That's about it though.

ConnieK October 27, 2013

"Alas and alack" always reminds me of "The Tailor of Gloucester". :) My way of addressing an overwhelming mountain of to-dos? Tackle one thing per day. I'd start with the wood.

M October 28, 2013

There HAS to be someone with a bulb planter that you could borrow! I've found that there are so many varieties of pedometers that you'll eventually find one that's right for you. I used to love my pedometer until the clip broke and it fell and stopped working and I never got a new one.

Just Annie October 28, 2013

Other than a nap, the only thing I managed to accomplish was to break my oven. I'll try again today to be productive. (Or I won't.)

Beret October 28, 2013

Thanks for your note. I've bookmarked and Friended you. Sorry to have to leave OD but seems like there really is no choice.

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