If you're still sitting out this election, I have a quote for you. in Those Public Entries

  • Oct. 2, 2024, 12:40 p.m.
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  • Public

“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.” -Elie Wiesel

And to anyone about to pop in with “but he was a Zionist”– So? That quote of his is entirely correct. No, I don’t agree with him about Israel, but just because I don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean they can’t make a good point. Also, Wiesel was an Auschwitz survivor. Again, a lot of Holocaust survivors had no right of return to their home countries, especially those that were given to the Soviet Union as part of the Warsaw Pact. Romania, where Wiesel was from, was one of those countries. These Jewish Holocaust survivors having no right of return to their home countries and not being wanted in so-called “safe” countries (i.e., the US and Britain) led to Israel’s founding. I am begging y’all, study real history. Most of what’s wrong with the world today can be explained pretty simply as, “The Nazis fucked everything up for everyone.”

And for anyone about to say “but I talk about Palestine all the time”– To paraphrase Cheerful Nihilism: “Talking about something constantly is a great way to feel like you’ve accomplished something when, in reality, you’ve accomplished nothing.” Talking is not praxis. Awareness is not praxis. Shitpositing is not praxis. Hashtagging is not praxis. Voting is praxis.

Bee tee dubs: I don’t trust Kamala Harris. I don’t trust any politicians, for reasons that Cody Johnson explained last month. I know I’m going to vote for her, and -if enough people pull their heads out their asses and actually vote this year, and we don’t have a repeat of 2016- then have to protest and call and pressure and while and bully her into not arming Israel¹.. But I’d rather protest Kamala Harris and try to make her see reason than the Orange Shitgibbon. Harris can be made to see reason. She will listen, if enough people talk to her. Even if she won’t listen, I’d rather protest with her as president than Trump.

Have you familiarized yourself with Project 2025? If not, here is the ACLU’s primer on it. If you are still under any kind of delusion that “a second Trump presidency won’t be that bad,” well, you’re kinda right. It won’t be “as bad” as his first term.

It will be so, so, so, so, so, so, so much worse. For Palestine. For Lebanon. For anti-Zionist Jews. For pro-Zionist Jews. For trans people. For women. For immigrants. For people of color. For disabled people. For mentally ill/neurodivergent people. For government employees, like yours truly. For kids. For everyone.

At this point, if you’re not voting, you’re MAGA to me. And you can just be mad about that. Again, “Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” That is the entire fucking truth, regardless of who said it.

¹If stopping the flow of arms and money to Israel actually will stop Nutter Yahoo, and to be perfectly honest… I have my doubts. He’s insane and he’s gone rogue. I think he wants to start WW3, because he hates Jews and Israel more than anyone else on the planet, and he’s now of the mindset that “if I go down, I’m taking everyone with me.” I am not an accelerationist, by any means. I don’t believe that things always have to get worse before they get better. But I really don’t see a future in which WW3 doesn’t happen; either Nutter Yahoo will play chicken with the rest of the Mideast one too many times and Israel will get nuked by Russia/North Korea/Pakistan/Iran/all four simultaneously, or Putin will nuke Ukraine just because. (Did you know Putin and the Russian army took the sarcophagus off Reactor 4? And that it’s still incredibly radioactive? Yeah. He’s planning to nuke Chernobyl. Make of that what you will.)

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