Lady In Black in anticlimatic

  • Sept. 29, 2024, 11:03 p.m.
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She came to me one morning, one lonely Sunday morning, her long hair flowing in the midwinter wind.

I know not how she found me, for in darkness I was walking, and destruction lay around me from a fight I could not win.


Now THAT is how you start a song, ladies and gentlemen. 11/10 Spinal Tap energy. Sweeping, dramatic, Nerdspeak. High stakes. Passion. Energy. Take it seriously. Have some balls about it. Commit to the greatness.

I feel like I cry into the ether about this once a month, but I literally cannot even with the soulless corporate hell this culture of ours has become. I do not understand this new type of human creature. People speak of unraveling the mysteries of themselves as if they have no clue who they are, what they’re about, or why they’re about it.

The hardest thing to know about yourself is what’s wrong with you. But other people can see it plain as day, and can help show it to you. It might be unpleasant and embarrassing, but that’s how you really discover yourself, and where you belong. It’s easy mode after that. Then you can work on the world around you instead of trying to solve the mystery of the missing hat that’s been sitting in the middle of the room but can’t abide being looked at.

My problem is that I have a need to keep the emotions of the people around me calm, because I cannot help but become infected by the feelings of those around me. This makes me a panderer for good vibes, even if I simultaneously struggle with negative feelings of my own. Pair that with artistic compulsions and an eccentric world view and I am left a bit like Data from Star Trek- socially inclined, but hardwired to forever be separate and melancholy over the fact, somewhat.

So be it. Now that I know the score, it’s easy to decide to to do and not do with my time. It reminds me that if I create something that I think is cool, but someone else doesn’t agree, they’re just wrong. Because they wouldn’t know cool if it slapped them in the face with its dick. I know cool. Deal with it.

Songs like this are cool.

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