Smug Twit! in YES YES YES!

  • Sept. 4, 2024, 9:06 a.m.
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My 63 year old hubby has a sister who is … I’m not sure … about 61 and they have a brother who is somewhere between 12-15 years younger than my hubby and his sister. Sister has an adult son and 2 adult daughters and brother has 1 or 2 young kids.

We never contact them or keep up with them as they’ve made it very clear over the years we’re nothing to them and they’ve cut us out of their lives 100%, as of both of their parents who are in their 90s. None of the family can stand me or my hubby/their own relative for a trillion different reasons.

Hubby’s brother is once divorced then re-married, I never knew his 1st misses but unfortunately I do know his second - she’s a snotty cow with no idea about disabilities - I have physical.

His sister is twice divorced, her 1st hubby is a retired world-wide known professional sportsman. I never knew him but again, unfortunately I knew her 2nd hubby, who is up his own arse as brother’s 2nd wife is.

Brother has a sense of entitlement and he can’t stand the fact that hubby and I have been very happily married since 2011, meeting for the 1st time in 2007, because he has no idea how to hold a marriage together, neither does the sister. I don’t know the reasons for her 2 divorces and don’t want to know. I don’t know if brother still with wifey number 2 or not. Sister’s husband number 2 is divorced from his 1st wife, various kids.

Hubby told me something this morning about brother that knocked me for 6! I knew that wifey number 1 was shagging everything that moves while they were married and rightly so, brother was angry about that but apparently he decided to ‘’revenge’’ by shagging everything himself!

He kept moaning to hubby years ago about how bad she was etc. for sleeping around but he was doing it himself! And to think he can’t stand me or his own brother because we’re still happily married with no affairs or anything!

A case of the green-eyed monster me thinks!

Last updated September 04, 2024

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