In the Life Log - Day 185 in My Musings

  • Sept. 18, 2024, 3:13 p.m.
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Today was a good day. I was able to sleep 7 hours (or almost, maybe?), and didn’t have any waves of sadness or panic attacks. I did have a dream if I remember correctly but forgot what it was.

I went onsite earlier as part of my once a week office reporting ritual. The traffic headed there was not bad; I think it took me about half an hour - which was to be expected since I left during the rush hour. Workload was manageable as well - I continued working on the project that I’ve been helping my colleague with and answered a couple requests. The trip going home was ridiculous though.

I just did cardio earlier since it’s a Wednesday. As always, the time flew by so quickly. I’m really enjoying my cardio sessions these days.

The mid-week is finally over; I hope this pace continues.

Overall rating for the day: 8/10

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