In the Life Log - Day 179 in My Musings

  • Sept. 12, 2024, 9:24 a.m.
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Today was so-so. While I did not have any weird dreams (to the extent that I remember), I lacked sleep since I had to wake up early to go onsite. I did not have any panic attacks either so that’s always a good thing.

Work was busy once more. On top of the multiple new documents I had to work on, a colleague reached out to me, asking for my assistance regarding a project she was working on. I also had a bunch of calls, so I was pretty much beat by the end of my shift. If there’s anything that could be considered highlights, it would be: 1. having lunch with my colleagues from HR, and 2. getting a free ride via the company shuttle (which I only discovered today).

I hit shoulders + triceps earlier. The gym was quite packed so I had to improvise some of the exercises. I think it was in the middle of my routine when I felt a sudden wave of sadness hit me once more; while it did not affect my workout overall, my mood sure took a hit. It only vanished when I started doing cardio.

Just one more day and it’s finally the weekend. Hopefully things turn out uneventful.

Overall rating for the day: 7/10

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