In the Life Log - Day 179 in My Musings

  • Sept. 11, 2024, 11:22 a.m.
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Today was an ok day. I slept for.. about 7 hours if I’m not mistaken; I also did not remember having any weird dreams and wave of sadness. I did have some slight anxiety, I think, but not sure if that’s legit anxiety or just because I was feeling cold lol..

Work was busy once more today. I continued working on the 66 pager assigned to me yesterday and thankfully was finished with it. There were several more documents that came to my review; I felt my planner just kept on expanding without accomplishing anything. The day flew by so quickly that I don’t even remember taking my usual breaks just to take a breather. I also extended by 1 hour because of the other tasks I had to do. Afterwards, I opted to rest for a good hour before continuing my Japanese studies.

Since today is Wednesday, I only did cardio. I’d say it was a breeze, as always. Really surprised with how easily I’m finding it as of late. Then again, compared to the work I do each day, such is to be expected.

I’m not gonna complain much about today; hopefully this pace remains until end of week.

Overall rating for the day: 7/10

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