qwik upd8 on the runt cat in What's Happening

  • Dec. 11, 2023, 6:23 p.m.
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There is something in the human psyche that can’t help but respect a person or thing that continues to fight through something when the odds are stacked heavily against them.

I think that is why I was originally apathetic towards the runt cat’s inevitable demise, but after weeks of watching it carry on with its daily cat duties as if it was oblivious to its status as the a weak runt, I eventually had to cave-in and offer it a more tame environment. I was constantly finding it seeking refuge in some of the grossest and un-inhabitable places. (in retrospect I think it may have been hiding from the other cats).

I guess if you think about it, domesticated cats themselves are basically the “runts” of the feline species; only the smaller and most docile of the species would have turned to human companionship for a mutually beneficial friendship during the pre-historic domestication of the house cat. The bigger ones were likely doing just fine on their own and uninterested with being cordial towards humans.

Anyway, the cat still hasn’t left the carrier (besides to eat and poop), but judging by its facial expression it doesn’t seem to be in any sort of extreme distress and it really likes being inside the carrier. I bought a heated blanket and wrapped it around the carrier so its nice and toasty inside. Yesterday when I reached inside the carrier it hissed at me (a very pathetic hiss), but today when I reached in to see if it was warm enough in there it didn’t seem to mind.

There was a giant-sized cat poop near the litter box and it seemed pretty healthy. I haven’t seen any urine yet so I hope it doesn’t have a bladder issue. I guess time will tell, but for now the cat seems content. Weirdly I can sense a vibe from the cat that it really appreciates being in my house.

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