In the Life Log - Days 175 and 176 in My Musings

  • Sept. 9, 2024, 11:14 a.m.
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I wasn’t able to log yesterday as things weren’t going well for me. While I got decent sleep, I was trapped in my own mind, and woke up feeling very anxious and panicky. I had to take my anti-panic medicine twice, and was not productive at all. I had no appetite either so I chose to lie down in bed all day. Thankfully, my mood improved a little this morning.

Work was pretty mild today in the sense that I only had a few items on my plate. I was able to turnaround the documents that came to my queue last Friday a few hours into my shift earlier. After shift, I had to go to the mall to get new stock of my workout supplements; suprisingly, the traffic was light so I was still able to workout on my usual time.

Today was chest + shoulder + triceps. Pump was good and strength was decent. I was sweating a lot during my cardio session, however, as the gym seems to have turned off its air conditioning units.

I’m worried about the consistently low mood these past few days. I hope I get out of the rut soon as it’s severely impacting my quality of life.

Average rating for the past 2 days: 4/10

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