Equal rights to succeed in Hi This is Kat!
- Aug. 31, 2024, 11:18 a.m.
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I believe everyone should have and does have the equal rights to succeed. And even if a person doesn’t have money as a child you still can succeed. it is all about your drive and how hard you are willing to work.
I do not believe we all have equal rights at the end… meaning if I busted my ass off, did w/o, worked long hours to be successful and the next person quit every job they had, never saved, never tried and tried and kept trying. I do not believe they should be able to keep the benefits of my hard labor nor should they be able to live at the standard I do… it is all about working for your dream not to have the dream handed to you.
I do believe it is okay for people to live on welfare even if they want to live on it for life. I believe they should have a roof over their head and food in their belly even if they don’t lift a finger to earn a penny of it BUT I do not believe they should live like me or have all the extras. if you are not able to work and you get welfare (not talking about disability) I feel they need necessities but not luxuries! Like why do we they need cell phones, cigarettes, liquor and cars.... sorry but those items are luxuries and Uncle Sam should not have to support your bad habits or give you so many luxuries that you will never want to work… That would give a person a purpose to WANT to work
When I first got my divorce I was dirt poor too. I lived in cheap apartments and was able to live off of my gigs like cleaning, babysitting, cutting grass… I never got welfare nor food stamps. maybe I was too proud to ever apply? but I also did not have a cell phone or cable tv… hell I did not even own a VCR LOL
But if you do not give a person everything they will scratch their way to the top.
I was dirt poor in my late 20’s and by mid 30’s I made my first million. so you can do it. it is hard. you do have to work hard. you do not need a college education.... you need drive and lots and lots of hard work… some days I was so dead tired I only slept a few hours a night. but now I am able to sit back and enjoy my early retirement and never have to work another day of my life…unless I want to. oddly I do still find it rewarding to work small gigs if I do nothing but donate that money…it gives me a reason to work.
I feel everyone is born equal to succeed but the person also has to have the drive to work… without that the richest kids will fail
Jodie ⋅ August 31, 2024