Feel a bit better in Bittersweet

  • Sept. 1, 2024, 10:41 p.m.
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I had B come over for dinner. Safeway had steaks on sale so we got some of those and BBQed. He seems to be in better spirits and a bit more animated today then he did. Im really hopeful that telling him he can come home in 2 weeks really helped him feel like the weight is off him. We wont be able to stop the eviction from going on his record. But we can at least give him a safe place to go.
He seemed a bit lighter, a bit happier. At 20 he shouldent be feeling THIS downtrodden in life. He should be lighter and happier. I get the rush of independence, But he needs to take the helping hand that he is offered so that he can have a better start.
Im just REALLY hoping this is happier is real and not a bubble about to burst on us.

Jinn September 01, 2024

Just be persistent and calm about it. He will see the sense in it .

ChainedChrysalis Jinn ⋅ September 01, 2024

He seems to be. We made some plans for the next few months. That's as far as we aim you know.
Big picture is too much. Too big.
We dont look at big picture when one is depressed.
We only look at one step in front of us. We look at in 2 weeks he gets evicted and comes home. In 3 weeks we will be looking for jobs and working with him on it. Be helping him apply for medicaid and working through unemployment while we push through job searching.
We will work on the shed to get it insulated. So he can sleep out there. Its hot out for another 60ish days minimum. It will be around 3K to make the shed fixed up to where its a livable space.
Small steps. Thats all we focus on.

Jinn ChainedChrysalis ⋅ September 01, 2024

Those are good steps :-)

Small Town Girl September 03, 2024

Mmmm. At least he is willing to accept the help. Hopefully he is letting it sink it and knowing this isn't the end if the world.

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