Ready to Smash My Nose Off My Face! in 2020s

  • Sept. 18, 2024, 1:21 a.m.
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Did some voice tweets since it’s been a while and I still have an iPhone. Unfortunately, the option is not available for Androids. There was talk about it a while ago, but of course, Elon Musk had to go and fuck things up.

I’m tired today because apparently my sugar-free body can handle one night of broken-up sleep but not two. Whatever is cursing my sleep really will use anything—like literally anything. No traffic, no thunder, no problem. It can just use my own damn body. It was the same old shit with my nose waking me up because it was so stuffy and I couldn’t breathe through it. I only sleep on my stomach or my side, and I never breathe through my mouth in my sleep. I pretty much got myself in the habit of this so I wouldn’t snore, and I haven’t been snoring that I know of. If I roll over onto my back, which is where you’re more likely to snore, I haven’t been aware of it.

So anyway, I got up with a stuffy nose even though I remembered to put the nose dilator in, but that wasn’t enough. So I got up and tried flushing it with just warm water since I don’t have that stuff you put in the bottle, and that didn’t help much other than to make my nose sting like hell for a minute. So then I snorted up with the Flonase that I recently got as part of my quarterly freebies from CVS and took half a Benadryl just like the night before.

I was eventually able to get back to sleep, but when I woke up, it hit me that Nasacort and Flonase probably weren’t the same thing. I asked AI, and they confirmed they weren’t. They said that different people respond to different ones better, and obviously, Flonase is not as good for me as Nasacort. So we jumped on Walmart and ordered Nasacort and also some more Zyrtec, but this time around I got the children’s liquid form of Zyrtec so that if I don’t quite want a full dose, I can cut it down a bit. So I’ve got these things coming today.

We’re also going to do things like keep the bedroom air cleaner on 24/7 just like the one in the other bedroom and the living room.

Going to start washing sheets in hot water, and we’re looking for a spray you can use on bedding that’s good for killing dust mites.

They also recommend showering before bed rather than when you get up, because then you rinse any pollen off that may be on you before bed. Lastly, a saline rinse before bed is also recommended because that too rinses out possible allergens. So I’m gonna do that and hope for the best! It sucks, though. Just when I thought I had it made in this climate, this starts, and yes, it can take a few years. So while I don’t mind the humidity, my nose begs to differ.

I’m going to be kind of pissed if Rhonda doesn’t take care of my prescription today. I requested Walgreens to contact her for a refill yesterday and got a message from Walgreens saying it’s delayed because she hasn’t responded yet. So if she doesn’t respond today, then tomorrow I’ll call the office and say, hey, when I ask for a refill, I need it filled.

I wish I could keep all things Aetna but trade her in for Galileo since they were so much faster and convenient, but they’re just too expensive.

When I was at the glaucoma doctor yesterday, he didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to suggest why he may have shown up in a series of dreams as he did. I do remember a couple of weird things, though. He had such strong-smelling cologne on. It was kind of good, though. It only hit me for a second, and as soon as I got a whiff of it, I was like, oh, I know that smell from all my years of getting incense and things like that. But what it was slipped my mind before it could come to me.

Also, on the way out, he goes, “God bless you, ma’am.” LOL, I knew he was religious because I’d seen pictures of him online with a big gold cross hanging from his neck, so that wasn’t too much of a surprise, though I don’t think I’ve ever had any doctors say that to me on the way out of their office.

I had one dream where we had land somewhere, and I stepped out to dump the trash or something. I saw a bear cub pull itself out of a hole in a hillside. Then, right after that, mama bear comes out, and I said, “Fuck it, I’m going inside.” After some time had passed, although it was the same dream, I went outside again. We definitely had quite a bit of land because I was quite a ways away from the house when I spotted a bear not too far away, and I thought to myself, damn! If I didn’t have a shitty memory, I would remember these things are around here, and I never would have come out—or at least not ventured so far from the house. So I was in a panic to get back to the house before they could get to me.

Then I had another dream that I made some jewelry for someone, and they left a voice message saying I did a really good job and that their only complaint was that they asked me not to have any visitors while I was making it because they didn’t want me to get distracted, and I’m thinking to myself in the dream, who did I supposedly have for visitors? I didn’t have visitors.

In the third and last dream, I was sitting on a bench at the end of a long street. A young, kind of tall, skinny lesbian sat down next to me, and I knew what she wanted. These days, no matter what a woman may look like, I’m not interested. I don’t know how old I was in the dream, but anyone who came on to me that strong, regardless of gender, would turn me off. But she was persistent, so I thought, well, maybe I could be selfish and have her spoil me, so let’s see if she’s a giver or a taker. So I asked her if she liked to take care of others, be taken care of, or both, and she said she was selfish. That was the dealbreaker until we agreed on foot massage exchanges. I went to do her feet first, only to find she had no feet! I was amazed that she could walk without them. All she had were these flat stubs below her ankles.
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Last updated September 19, 2024

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