Blank Slate in Current Events

  • Sept. 2, 2024, 6:04 a.m.
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  • Public

My dream woke me up. Just in time because it was awful. In the scene, the theme was public nudity. I couldn’t bring myself to do it, just like in real life. I arranged to change in a separate room altogether in elementary. In high school, I didn’t change into gym clothes. I would skip gym class altogether. The gym I go to now has individual rooms which is great. I don’t know why this issue came up in my dream but it is probably because I drove past the public swimming pool behind my old school yesterday. I think in pictures and all the sausage fest memories flashed before my eyes. I cringed. There is nothing more natural than nudity but it makes me deeply uncomfortable. The gym I want to switch to has a sauna. That is the reason I want to make the switch. I suppose I will learn to get used to it.

I could read into the dream if I wanted to. You’re afraid of being vulnerable? That’s a no-brainer. My eyes also want to wander and I get flustered because I have to be conscious about where I am looking. I suppose it would be like if a straight man was in a changing room full of women.

I got to tell Bev my good news. She asked the same question as Leanne. Can you afford to kick out your roommate? The answer is yes but I’m not going to do that. My roommate and I were shooting the shit the other day and she told me about her current ambitions. She wants to quit her job and work at a boxing gym. She wants to move closer to that boxing gym. She wants to rent a house in that area. I’m not taking care of a house for her. We may part ways. I would like to move closer to downtown.

Once it is on paper that I am hired and I fully know the score, I am calling a financial advisor that a friend recommended to me. I want to save up for a house. The idea is to buy a house and rent out the rooms to other students so that I can go to school full-time. I want this FA to help me with investing. The guy that was recommended to me does not make money unless I make money. That is the ideal situation. I keep meaning to teach myself how to invest but… I don’t have any excuses.

Today is a blank slate. I got my gym days out of the way. I ran all of my errands. My apartment is clean. I just need to meal prep a storm. I need to tune into my side quests. Restructure, restructure, restructure. I have to fine-tune everything. Dial it in. I have next to no shifts at my current job so I have time for everything. I wanted time off before starting my new gig so this works out. It will hurt my wallet for a pay cycle but… I will make it worth it.

Anyway, on with my day then.

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