So Close Yet So Far in Current Events

  • Aug. 27, 2024, 5:01 p.m.
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I got to lead a reset today. It fell in my lap but I know I did great. This is exactly what I like to do. I was given Connie and Helen. This is a heavy week for my team and my supervisor couldn’t micro-manage us. She was on the other end of the store micro-managing the other two teams. You cannot break Claudia’s spirit but my supervisor managed to do just that. It was hard to see Claudia so dead inside. I tried to lighten her up but she was too far gone. My supervisor is buckling under the pressure and is being a dick to us. To everyone but myself because she knows I’ll make a stink. But boy did the day fly by.

Because of my massive project, I couldn’t sneak away and answer my phone. That non-profit called me and I wasn’t able to answer. Their voicemail asked me to call them. There was nothing in that message for me to read into or overthink. I returned their call but they hadn’t called me back. They are done for the day at 4:30 PM so I’ll just have to try and answer them tomorrow. I hope to god it is good news. I am at the point where I am picking up scraps at my current job. I have to pick up shifts when people call in.

My little work crush came and sat with me on his break. He never breaks at the same time. He’s a rep and is only in a few times a week. He was on hiatus for two weeks. His work flew him out to Ontario where he got to meet other reps and do fun things in Toronto. I assume there are fun things to do in Toronto. It’s been 20 years since I’ve been there. I am a prairie boy and I cannot take the humidity over there. I am not built for it. That is why I am going to go to BC for my schooling. There are only two schools in my country that teach naturopathy. One is in Vancouver and the other one is in Toronto. So the moral of the story is that I think my anger issue is that I just need to get laid.

He and Marcello made a jab at me for being a conspiracy theorist. That’s cute and all but the CEO of Telegram was just arrested in France because he will not censor. Zuckerberg made a statement that he was in fact censoring us. People who believe fact-checkers officially have the IQ of burnt toast. It is no longer a conspiracy that the con-19 vaccines are extremely dangerous. They’re deadly and being pulled. Everybody I know who got them is falling apart. Toxic burden and nutritional deficiencies create disease. We don’t catch disease. This fact isn’t anywhere near the mainstream yet. We’re too busy fighting about what truly matters… gender. They’re about to try this all again. We can see now who the dumb ones are. We are making more and more consequential choices based on less and less information. That experimental gene therapy literally had no information. Trust the $cience, amen! So safe that everybody is falling apart. So effective that you still get con-19. Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid. It was hard to witness people self-harm en mass. It’s going to be harder to watch it all over again. I know everybody had their reasons and I don’t know where I’ll be when the sequel happens but I have my detox protocol ready to go.

I stopped taking naps but today I needed a nap. The day was exhausting. I hope it doesn’t wreck my sleep tonight too badly. I made just a few sips of coffee when I woke up from my nap. CBD oil might be enough to knock me out.

My anxiety and depression triggers were just givin’ er yesterday but it didn’t take. I want to know what it is that I am doing right.

Anyway, I don’t know what to do with my evening yet. I am still in wait mode and have my life on pause while I wait to see if I get hired at the non-profit or not. I will figure it out if I don’t get hired. At least it motivated me to get a vehicle. That gives me a lot more options. I am trying to make myself do the minimal. My anxiety usually has me doing the most (everything except what I need to be doing) and I don’t need to hang on to that habit. It’s safe still be still.

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