All But Gone? in Me Being Me
Revised: 07/31/2024 7:20 a.m.
- July 30, 2024, 1 a.m.
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It’s funny how people are when it’s your birthday. They try to make the day the best day ever. My parents phoned and sang me happy biorthday and then a while later my brother called. and the day before my aunt e-mailed me and my other aunt sent me a card so it was nice to hear from everyone. it’s really ashamed that I only hear from my family once a year and never see them. And I never did see my parents for my birthday. I am not sure why? maybe I should have suggested the idea but then I thought that would be rude? So I just left it and nothing was ever said.
But yesterday was a nice day and I felt pretty good. I am not over 60 so I now belong to the 60 club and in some places I am considered a senior. So then I get some discounts. But not much but every little bit does help.
But we did go out for dinner and it was pretty good. And then we just came home and my son got his stuff and went to his home. it was nice having him here even though it was just for a short time.
My son and I had a conversation about the slum lord and he told me that I am better off not saying a word to her and just let things stop working and not say a word to her. Because he figures she doesn’t care about her home as much as she use to. I am not sure why but I think it’s because she is 80 and she is just waiting to die. So I have decided I am not going to fix the dishwasher but I will save my money and buy my own and take it with me. but I will have to get the kind that hoorks up to the sink so it will be easier to to take when I move. But then looking at the prices I really can’t afford them so I will just leave it and wait till this one breaks or explodes.
And I did find out by the rental people that she is responsible for maintaining all of the appliences she has and that she is required by law to fix the major things like the mold and mildew and the cracks in the floor. But she isn’t soing that so it will become worse and I will get sicker and when I do i will be be charging her with abuse.
The longer she doesn’t fix things and they don’t work right the more depressed I get because I go to use these things and they don’t close right or they don’t heat up right. the oven element is till not going rend when it’s on but is red when the oven door is opened…go figure out that one. And even though she sealed the leak there is still a smell from the mildew in the laundry room and she won’t fix that either so I do try to do laundry like onece a month and the door has to be opened for about a week. But today I need to so at least a load of laundry that has underwear among it. Speaking of which I need to open the door so I can do the laundry.
Today for dinner I am thinking either pork chops or chicken and some sort of frozen vegetable and maybe rice.
And other then that I need to think happy thoughts and just pretend she is dead.
I need to stop here…
Last updated July 31, 2024
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