Regarding My Post: More Trouble From Miss Stroppy! Aug. 8, in Killing Myself Laughing!

  • Aug. 31, 2024, 9:16 a.m.
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Denise, the antiques shop lady is doing her final shift today, she was closing up in September but has decided to retire a couple of weeks early as it’s her 74th birthday 1/2 way through September.

She’s a nice lady but bloody hell she moans about EVERYTHING, even tiny piddly things that most wouldn’t think about!

A few days ago she caught my hubby in the street and had him creased up laughing with her latest grumping - apparently she’s now disagreeing with the hand driers in the public loos!

The one single disabled loo has a warm drier, just over the road there’s 2 men’s loos with warm driers but the 2 women’s loos have cold driers! Denise was most disgusted that ‘’us women have to put up with cold while the men have warm!’’ We’re both disabled and both have RADAR keys so she uses the disabled loo.

She told hubby she’s getting on FB and will post up a ranting post about the injustice of it all … which she did!

Hubby was crying with laughter as I was when he told me!

Hubby and I couldn’t give a monkey’s arse if they’re hot or cold as long as they work!

She’s so funny at the best of times!

Last updated September 02, 2024

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