In the Life Log - Day 151 in My Musings

  • Aug. 15, 2024, 8:30 a.m.
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Today was an ok day. I almost got 8 hours of sleep, although only about 6 of which was straight. Afterwards, I kept waking up in intervals. I also had a set of weird dreams; while they did not make sense, they sure made me unsettled to the point that I had a bit of anxiety up until an hour after I formally woke up so had to take my anti-panic medicine.

Work was a bit light again today so I decided to just continue studying our templates and enroll in the modules relevant to my role. My boss said that since the pace has been slow this week, we’ll have a continuation of introducing me to the various markets’/territories’ points of contact as I’ll certainly be collaborating with them in the future. Suffice to say, my calendar looks swamped next week. I also inadvertently fell asleep lol.

I hit shoulders + triceps earlier; had a pretty good workout and pump although my strength level is still far off. Cardio was a breeze once more so that’s something I’m happy about.

It’s finally Friday tomorrow - looking forward to just getting through this week, strong or otherwise.

Overall rating for the day: 7/10

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