4:16 AM in Hello

  • Aug. 12, 2024, 9:32 a.m.
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  • Public

I’ve been up since 3:30 AM yesterday.

Took mom out cause she was getting cabin fever. We went to the family plot to visit deceased loved ones then on a whim (she wasn’t ready to go home) I drove us to the North Alabama Railroad Museum. Wednesdays and Saturdays they have volunteers there to show you around and answer questions plus some of the train cars are opened and you can look inside. Pretty neat stuff. Rest of the week everything is locked up but you can still walk around. Lots of walking on uneven terrain. Glad to say after that excursion her old bones were ready for rest.

I made chicken tacos tonight. They turned out really good. Made a pig of myself and inhaled four. They were a bit small but still. Thirty minutes after I was regretting the last one. Figures I ate the leftovers about an hour ago. Heh, still good.

Pretty sure I’ve had too much caffeine today, hence me still being awake. Thankfully I have no errands to run.

Oh! So remember how I wrote that I had to send an Amazon order back cause I ordered the wrong thing? Well, I ordered Assassin’s Creed One like I wanted, except part two was shipped this time. 🤦‍♂️ Luckily I was able to send that back as well and the right product came in today.

Enjoy the tune!

(On a side note I’ve been itching to play my guitar again but really need to organize that room better.). I haven’t picked it up since....before inpatient rehab last year? Last time I sat down and learned a few new (to me) songs was back in ‘21…I think?

The last leg of our summer museum tour will take us to Madam Tussaud’s in Nashville. Mom mentioned that she wished we had a wax museum here. It’s only a two hour drive. Probably sometime next week. My aunt wants to go. A four hour round trip listening to two old women try to talk over each other because they’re basically deaf. Joy.

The rash on my stomach I got in jail is coming back. It was from skin constantly rubbing up against the metal when I had top bunk. Getting up and down off that thing was a pain. Yay for sensitive skin. I hope it’ll dry out. I hate getting poked in the butt at the doctor’s office. The nurse is good looking but c’mon! She makes fun of me. Lol

This is all over the place.

130 days…

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