More Trouble From Miss Stroppy! in BAH HUMBUG!

  • Aug. 8, 2024, 10:20 a.m.
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Our little town only has 3,048 residents, it’s a lovely little place but tourism is crap! One of the Town Councillor’s has recently raised the rent of the pet shop by a whopping £35.00 a month even though she knows the lady is struggling, as  with a lot of small businesses around here. ours included, and various small businesses are closing up.

One of the ladies has said she’ll be closing in December if things don’t improve, another is thinking of it and a couple of others here and there, now Denise with her antiques shop has told us she’s leaving in September. She’s in her 70s and has owned that business for 23 years but is now sick of lack of tourism and all the bitching that goes on in the council.

Miss Stroppy  runs a shop for her landlord opposite Denise, and she’s not the nicest of people around here, she’s 64 and always moans about everyone else but has never had the guts to get off her arse  and actually build her own business, she’d just rather run everyone down around here who is trying to create tourism and nice things. Nobody but her landlord likes her!

You don’t mess with Denise but stroppy certainly did! She went marching  into her shop a few days ago DEMANDING that she stays open, I don’t know the exact conversation but it was  something like ‘’I won’t allow you to leave’‘ she barked! How DARE you! Denise said ‘’you won’t allow me to leave? What exact business is it of yours? I own this business, not you, you have absolutely no right at all to tell me what I can’t and can’t do, you’ve never even had the spine create a business, you’ve only ever ran the shop of your stupid creepy landlord, you moan about everything and everyone but refuse to try to create something for yourself’‘

Apparently they had a blazing row and at the end Denise snapped ‘’SHUT UP!’‘ and stroppy stormed out!  

Good on Denise!

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