new and improved attitude in Hi This is Kat!
- Aug. 8, 2024, 8:32 a.m.
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Jo have now been away from those homeless creeps for 2 days and she is so much better!!!!!!! She is lucid… she is funny… she has some reason and does not act like she is mental! She is pretty stable on her feet and my heart cries with joy! I feel I am getting my jojo back!
Hell those idiots were keeps her so drunk and maybe slipping her something too as she feels when they were around her thing were not right???
I was so worried that I needed to take her home with me… she wanted to try to make it on her own as in my house there is a two drink limit allowed and no Ecigs. I did buy her some depends so she would not pee all over the place… unsure why someone did not suggest that but I think they wanted her to be bad so they could steal from her????
That was so crazy normal people do not even think like that??? Who in the world keeps homeless people in your life when you know they are robbing you blind!
And then the idiots try to tell her I am the one stealing from her? Her best friend who does not need money and the funniest thing is why would I steal from her it is also my account and she is leaving it all to me? but I guess they did not know that.
but I have to admit it hurt my feelings
BUT..... today is a new day! I texted her old boy toy to let him know Jo is in poor health. He told me she told him she only had a couple weeks to live???? WTF????? Wonder why she is telling everyone that? Is it true and she does not want to upset me???
I am now taking my lexapro with an added Ativan to help calm me at night. I am not doing well losing my best friend! As she always told me I would be the saddest of all but she said she is ready…
She is the strongest person I know!!!!!
Jojo I love you so much Only God knows how much… please friends pray for her comfort and strength and pray for my wisdom and strength to give her all the love and care she deserves and needs!
you only get one bestie like this in you life.... she is such a huge part of my life.
Also pray that Cole stays strong and this does not set off his schizophrenics.... because I am not sure I can also deal with that… but I will do my best. love him like one of my own
Jodie ⋅ August 08, 2024
Glad Jo is doing mayeb she can live a better and happier life? And I am glad you are doing much better.
theKat Jodie ⋅ August 08, 2024
thank you... emotionally I am not doing sell... but I feel I won't be better until jo passes.... as that is all I think about is losing my best friend
Jodie theKat ⋅ August 08, 2024
I know it will be hard but then you have to think about how she won't be in pain and won't be sick all the time....I am sorry this is the way life really sucks. And why is it it's always the good people who have to leave us?
Lux Lunae ⋅ August 08, 2024
Is Jo open to not having those people around anymore? It seems like they were making her much worse, she would be facing death a lot sooner with them around. I'm horrified that they could have potentially been drugging her. Although when someone is in liver failure, copious amounts of alcohol tend to have similar effects as being drugged. It can cause hallucinations and warp ones reality.
theKat Lux Lunae ⋅ August 08, 2024
I am trying hard to learn all I can. AS far as I know they have not been back since Tuesday. yesterday she had one beer and today she has yet to drink a beer, I am proud of her but worried she is doing it cold turkey and being so ill