In the Life Log - Day 144 in My Musings

  • Aug. 8, 2024, 2:53 p.m.
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Today was a good day. I had more sleep than usual compared to the past few days, clocking about 7 hours. As with the past few days, I had no panic attacks or waves of sadness which is a good thing.

Work was slightly less busy today, in the sense that I only had one meeting. However, I had to continue reviewing my new job’s processes, and part of which was understanding our company’s standard provisions. I’m glad that some of it bore some fruit, since the mini-playbook I created for my personal use is almost done - at least for one process. I did get sleepy around 7 hours into the shift so I utilized my break for that.

After shift, I went to the gym once more and hit shoulders + triceps; it was a really good session although I had to improvise on some exercises because the gym was quite packed. I still had a good pump, however. I used the elliptical trainer for cardio and thankfully, I didn’t feel bored.

It’s finally Friday tomorrow. I can’t wait to get some much-needed rest in the weekend as I feel it’s been a long work week.

Overall rating for the day: 8/10

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