Once a month... in These titles mean nothing.

  • July 28, 2024, 5:02 p.m.
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I was thinking - there is a new month coming in three more days. We get to start over a little bit in a little bit.

I was thinking I might buy a hair product each month.

I was thinking I have enough groceries to last until the firsts of August.
I ‘think’ I’ve spent the following for groceries in the last few months -
May $505
June $445
July $538

I’m not ready to add up utilities yet - I don’t seem to have electricity (and internet) recorded yet.
May $319should sla
June $319
So I suppose July will be close to the same.

My miscellaneouses are pretty much beyond comprehension so I’ll just pretend they don’t exist.

Though .... in June I bought a new computer and paid my share of new gutters on the house - both expenses I did not have in July.

I actually don’t know why I’m playing this stupid game with myself. I have enough money. I think I have enough money. I might have enough money. I don’t care if I have enough money. So either of the fourteen ways in which it could matter, it does not matter.

So I had kind of a big weekend. suppose I should/slash could move on.

Here have a photo:

First a piece of serenity:

Then a new this year to me day lily:

I might have posted these before. They aren’t absolutely new pictures but they are newish.

I have another of Gracie and the corn crib and the Ice Cream Truck. It’s old of course and I really should look back through the last few entries to see if I put it here lately. I think I put it somewhere - X/Twitter maybe.

I had kind of a big weekend.

I went to a funeral and saw and talked to more people from various phases of my life than I had in a long long time. I can’t even tell you = well I could if I devoted myself to doing it - who they all where and what we talked about. It was massive though - in a variety of ways.
July is almost over but August is on its heels.

Wishes for happiness. For us all.

Rivercity July 28, 2024

I'm sorry for your loss (re the funeral). I hope all is going well. Okay, what monthly hair products?

NorthernSeeker July 28, 2024

sounds like an epic funeral gathering. you always have interestin things to talk about. the daylily colour is spectacular. i'm curious about the hair products too.

Sleepy-Eyed John July 28, 2024


Why are your bills so high?

woman in the moon Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ July 28, 2024

You mean food?

Sleepy-Eyed John woman in the moon ⋅ July 28, 2024

And power

woman in the moon Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ July 29, 2024

My light bill includes $50 for internet which my son and I use a lot of. It's for the 'whole farm' which means we pump water for cattle - they also drink from creeks and spring - and use electricity for tools and outbuildings. I rue my $90 landline more than the power bill. I hope to get my 'landline' converted to internet when fiber optic comes through. I also include my $40 monthly DONATION to Wisconsin Public Radio and my $30 or so bucks for the daily paper as utilities as a $300 budget item.
btw - I'm getting kind of tired of budgeting. I have almost had enough of Dave Ramsey.

Sleepy-Eyed John woman in the moon ⋅ July 29, 2024


Not Dave Ramsey!!!!

woman in the moon Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ July 30, 2024

Yeah, I guess I should apologize. I just found him and his 'personalities' including the luscious John Delony with his above the elbow tattoos. He's the new Laura Schlessinger in my life, when I can't get enough self-justification from Dear Abby in the newspaper. I'm sorry. I can't help it. I'm trying to think Ramsey is better than something else but I can't think what he's better than.
Thanks for caring about my welfare.

Sleepy-Eyed John woman in the moon ⋅ July 31, 2024

I was kidding. you're okay :)

A Pedestrian Wandering July 29, 2024

I live near an ag area and the straight rows seem like a form of magic to me. I drove a tractor once and I couldn't make straight rows to save my life.

woman in the moon A Pedestrian Wandering ⋅ July 29, 2024

Farmers are proud of their straight rows, though there is a lot of farming on the contour in rough land like ours.
Farmer just came in and I read your note to him and he said the rows get straighter as the crop grows. When the corn or beans first come up = happy day that is too - they don't look perfect but then they get looking better.
The chemicals - the hideous soul=selling products of science - make it look good too. A bean field without them is a pretty sad piece of real estate.

Just Annie July 29, 2024

Wishes for happiness for you, too.

Funerals seem to be becoming less popular in this area. My father is probably turning over in his grave. My mother is thrilled. I've lost two, no, wait, three cousins in the last few years and we've not had funerals. But we have our big family reunion in August.

woman in the moon Just Annie ⋅ July 29, 2024

The family reunion is probably better than a funeral.
This one brought together so many people, so many connections. It was Deb's mother's. She was three years older than I am and she spent the last four years of her life in a nursing home. She was a monumental woman. The music at the funeral was her singing in her bar bands. I plan to write about it. I don't know if I will.
We are so free in our lives anymore. We don't have to do things we used to have to do. Good, I guess.

Just Annie woman in the moon ⋅ July 30, 2024

I think it's the 178th family reunion. I don't know if I'll go. My grandfather's branch of the family is mostly gone or scattered. The food is always good, though, and they publish a cookbook every decade or so. I have a copy of one.

Beret July 31, 2024

I love your pics of old buildings. There is charm in them.

Jinn August 06, 2024

Visitations and funerals used to be big deals in central Illinois .That all ended with Covid. Now if anyone has a funeral it’s usually family only . Most just have a minister say some prayers at the cemetery . That has to be better economically . Thousands of dollars used to be spent on those rituals .. I know my Mother’s funeral was about 25 thousand and that was with me changing almost everything my stepfather was talked into by the funeral home people. I thought he was being exploited and he thought I was wanting to be cheap because I held a lot of resentment towards my Mom. I just thought things like rosewood caskets , bronze vaults , and French satin liners were ridiculous . We got through it ; a big two day affair and then I knew I do not want any of it for me . I want to be cremated . Toss my ashes in my garden. If anyone wants ; have a nice dinner together at a good restaurant . I used to say I wanted Frank to throw a party but honestly I don’t know enough people anymore to come. 😂
Corn and bean fields can be very zen. In the old days as a kid I walked beans( chopping weeds out ) and detassled corn every July . That is how I earned money at 12 , 13 , and 14 years old. It was hot, dirty, backbreaking work . I remember being thrilled to earn $1.65 an hour . We started work when it was barely light and finished at 3 PM. You got a couple fifteen minute breaks and a half an hour to eat a lunch you brought . They provided ice water and salt tabs . I was always too short for the corn so they would put me on a machine.
It was nice to see Gracie again. :-)

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