ruckus with the crazies in Hi This is Kat!
- Aug. 6, 2024, 12:13 a.m.
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Tonight I went over to bring Jo supper… and as I pulled in the CRAZIES also pulled in. I told them I did not know why they were there and how Jo wanted them out of her condo and I told them they were under investigation.. Cole was also there… after a lot of heated words Cole finally told them to leave.
I guess they have already gotten her new credit card numbers again. they took off with her car and was gone for three days!!!!
I feel I have been a bad friend as I knew Jo had not felt well and I knew she got very drunk and falls a lot but Jo have always been like that… but I never not for one minute think she was too ill to stay by herself. When I see her she was a little weak but more than able to get up and walk…tonight she was wasted so I decided tomorrow she is moving in here but I won’t let her drink like a fish. so we will see how she deals with that and she will have to wear depends..
the one gal told me she was happy because she was going to call elder care… but it is more being wasted than being too ill… but I have to get her away from those thieves! The one said jo told them I was stealing from them! I know Jo would never ever say that.
Pretty proud of myself for showing restraint cause it would have felt good to punch her.
Jodie ⋅ August 06, 2024
You have more patience then I do. i would have called the police and charged them with theft but then I don't like others taking advantage of my friends. How you are going tot stop her from drinking is going to be hard because alcoholics are really sneaky, so be checking everywhere she goes.