In the Life Log - Day 140 in My Musings

  • Aug. 4, 2024, 12:24 p.m.
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Today was a so-so day. I was able to complete a little over 8 hours of sleep, without a hitch, so I consider that a win. I continued watching Queen of Tears, and I must say it’s really engaging; a few episodes to go and I’m golden.

Aside from the kdrama, nothing much happened. I lazed around and went to the mall to attend mass. The Gospel was about Jesus explaining to the crowd that he is the bread of life, and that whoever takes him will not perish. In the homily, we are urged to reflect on the following: 1. Believe/trust in God’s providence over material things; and 2. We should count our blessings instead of complaining over the most trivial of matters.

On my way home, I felt another panic attack surfacing. It’s well under control now, but it’s episodes like today wherein I get shaken up, especially when there’s no reason for said panic attack.

Tomorrow, I start my new job. I’m certainly sleeping a lot earlier than usual tonight, and I hope things turn out just fine.

Overall rating for the day: 7/10

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